
Умоляю ! и важное . 1 the manager is concerned with good relations between and the self-employment; employers employment; unemployment employment; employers employer; employee 2 the owner is personally liable the debts incurred by his firm. of into at with for in on 3 he spent all the money he had won new clothes. for on from with 4 we sometimes call a person's work his activity. economies economize economists economic economical economics 5 adequate finance can be provided new commercially viable projects. at of to for 6 the franchisee is provided a total package for marketing the product.. in of with on for to at into 13 the covering letter wasn’t attached the cv. by with from to 17 i’ve applied the position of sales manager. to about as for 18 he is solely responsible the success of the business. at into for in on of to with 19 japan has one of the most successful in asia. economically economies economist economics economize economical 20 capital can be divided two categories. on to into at of with for 21 money allows us to exchange hours of goods and services. in at of with to for on into 23 the democratic countries expect their citizens to participate governing the country. on of with to in at for 24 he hoped the agency would find him a job. employment employer employees self-employed 25 if we don’t on electricity, there will be power cuts. economics economical economize economist economy economic

Английский язык



1. Employer, employee

2. For

3. On

4. Economic

5. For

6. With

13. With

17. For

18. For

19. Economics

20. Into

21. Of

23. In

24. Employment

25. Economize

1. I came across some old photos when I was tidying my bedroom.
Explanation: "Come across" means to find or discover something unexpectedly. In this sentence, the speaker found some old photos while tidying their bedroom.

2. A few friends came round last night, which was a pleasant surprise.
Explanation: "Come round" means to visit someone's house. In this sentence, the speaker's friends visited their house last night, which was a pleasant surprise.

3. We'd like to come back next year.
Explanation: "Come back" means to return. In this sentence, the speaker would like to return next year.

4. Alan came across a mysterious map in his grandmother's attic.
Explanation: "Come across" means to find or discover something unexpectedly. In this sentence, Alan found a mysterious map in his grandmother's attic.

5. Stephen King's new book has just come out.
Explanation: "Come out" means to become available or be published. In this sentence, Stephen King's new book has just been published or released.

6. We came across a beautiful table at the antique shop.
Explanation: "Come across" means to find or discover something unexpectedly. In this sentence, the speaker found a beautiful table at the antique shop.

7. The new Woody Allen film hasn't come out yet.
Explanation: "Come out" means to become available or be released. In this sentence, the new Woody Allen film has not been released yet.

8. Why don't you come round and see us one evening?
Explanation: "Come round" means to visit someone's house. In this sentence, the speaker is inviting the listener to visit them one evening.

9. Short skirts have come into fashion.
Explanation: "Come into" means to become fashionable or popular. In this sentence, short skirts have become fashionable.
Очень хорошо, давайте разберем этот вопрос.

Давайте сначала разберем, почему вопрос некорректно использовал слово "it's". "It's" является сокращением для "it is" или "it has". В данном случае мы используем "it's" как сокращение для "it is", что указывает на существование или состояние чего-либо. Однако, в данном контексте нам нужно использовать притяжательное местоимение "its" без апострофа, чтобы указать на принадлежность или отношение к чему-то.

Теперь перейдем к исправлению ошибок в предложениях:

1. "The cat chased it's tail." (Ошибочное использование "it's")
Исправленная версия: "The cat chased its tail."

Объяснение: Мы используем "its" без апострофа, так как хотим указать на принадлежность хвоста к кошке. Нет необходимости использовать "it's", так как нам необходимо просто указать, что хвост принадлежит кошке.

2. "I took its book and returned it later." (Верное предложение)
Обоснование: Здесь мы используем "its" без апострофа, чтобы указать на принадлежность книги определенному объекту, о котором ранее было упоминание.

3. "The dog wagged it's tail happily." (Ошибочное использование "it's")
Исправленная версия: "The dog wagged its tail happily."

Объяснение: В данном предложении, мы снова используем "its" без апострофа, так как хотим указать на принадлежность хвоста к собаке. Нет необходимости использовать "it's", так как нам необходимо просто указать, что хвост принадлежит собаке.

Итак, два из этих предложений правильные, а одно содержит ошибку. Необходимо исправить предложение, в котором сказуемое используется неправильно. В данном случае, нам необходимо исправить первое предложение, заменив "it's" на "its".

Вот как оно должно выглядеть: "The cat chased its tail."

Это позволяет нам ясно указать, что хвост принадлежит кошке.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Умоляю ! и важное . 1 the manager is concerned with good relations between and the self-employment; employers employment; unemployment employment; employers employer; employee 2 the owner is personally liable the debts incurred by his firm. of into at with for in on 3 he spent all the money he had won new clothes. for on from with 4 we sometimes call a person's work his activity. economies economize economists economic economical economics 5 adequate finance can be provided new commercially viable projects. at of to for 6 the franchisee is provided a total package for marketing the product.. in of with on for to at into 13 the covering letter wasn’t attached the cv. by with from to 17 i’ve applied the position of sales manager. to about as for 18 he is solely responsible the success of the business. at into for in on of to with 19 japan has one of the most successful in asia. economically economies economist economics economize economical 20 capital can be divided two categories. on to into at of with for 21 money allows us to exchange hours of goods and services. in at of with to for on into 23 the democratic countries expect their citizens to participate governing the country. on of with to in at for 24 he hoped the agency would find him a job. employment employer employees self-employed 25 if we don’t on electricity, there will be power cuts. economics economical economize economist economy economic
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