
С нужно расставить в правильном порядке абзацы . то есть : 1 - 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- a whether you turn to chronicle for nostalgia, enlightenment, reference or simply for fun, this unique book will be a treasured and much-read possession in every home. for the youngest and oldest, it is the book of our lifetimes. b there has never been a century like it – and never a book like chronicle . this lavishly-illustrated book gives you a front-row seat for all the dramas of the century – from worldwars to the fashions of the day – as they happened, with all the immediacy andexcitement of tonight’s television news. c follow the lives of legendary figures such as winston churchill, recapture the whiff of scandals such as king edward’s abdication, thrill to great sporting victories, be chilled bydisasters such as aberfan, marvel at scientific discoveries and cheer at artistic triumphsfrom picasso’s first exhibition to the beatles’ first record – it’s all in chronicle , as freshand dramatic as today’s news. d now, at last, it is available in an edition specially prepared for great britain, almostentirely new and reflecting the distinctly british perspective on a century that beganwhen queen victoria was monarch to much of the world. with thousands of illustrations, many in full colour, this book captures the changing social and cultural life of our turbulent times. e chronicle of the 20 th century is more than a book; it’s an experience, taking you back intime to relive history as it happens. no wonder it’s been a best-seller wherever it has been published with more than two million copies sold in germany, france and the unitedstates.. f chronicle of the 20 th century puts you there when men first flies an aeroplane or invents the “talking pictures”. discover what happened at the great moments of history – the russian revolution, the rise and fall of hitler, the d-day landings, the bombing of hiroshima, the assassination of president kennedy and the moon landing

Английский язык





We like to think we are an ethical company, but we had a problem last year when we were launching our new product. Let me give you the background to the problem. The new product was being sold very well and we got good feedback, and sales were increasing month by month. Everyone was happy. Then it all went wrong. In August, we started to get complaints from some doctors about one of our salesmen. They were complaining about the methods that the salesman used to persuade them to endorse the product. He offered them expensive gifts and took them to expensive restaurants. The doctors felt under pressure to promote the product.  

By the end of the year, we received over 30 complaints about the particular salesman. In December articles started to appear in the press about our unethical sales methods. In the end, we fired the salesman. As a result of this, we have recently issued guidelines to all sales staff about appropriate gifts.

Недавно наша семья переехала в новую квартиру. Она находится в жилом доме недалеко от центра города. Рядом с жилым домом есть почта, Кукольный театр, много маленьких магазинов. Моя квартира находится на втором этаже. У нее есть все современные удобства, такие как центральное отопление, газ, электричество, холодная и горячая проточная вода, телефон и мусоропровод, чтобы нести мусор вниз. В здании есть также лифт. Перед домом есть маленький сад с несколькими деревьями в нем. Квартира не очень большая, но она удобная и хорошо спланированна. У нас есть две комнаты, большая кухня и ванная в нашей квартире. Гостиная является самой большой и самая удобная комната в квартире. В левом углу есть маленький стола с телевизором на нем. Около телевизора есть два кресла. Диван и книжный шкаф справа. На кухне есть газовая плита, чтобы приготовить еду, раковина с кранами для холодной и горячей воды, чтобы помыть посуду, холодильник, чтобы держать еду. На стене выше стола мы повесили три кухонных шкафа, чтобы держать столовые приборы, тарелки и чашки. С правой стороны от стола мы разместили новый шкаф. По середине кухни у нас есть стол с несколькими табуретами вокруг него.

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С нужно расставить в правильном порядке абзацы . то есть : 1 - 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- a whether you turn to chronicle for nostalgia, enlightenment, reference or simply for fun, this unique book will be a treasured and much-read possession in every home. for the youngest and oldest, it is the book of our lifetimes. b there has never been a century like it – and never a book like chronicle . this lavishly-illustrated book gives you a front-row seat for all the dramas of the century – from worldwars to the fashions of the day – as they happened, with all the immediacy andexcitement of tonight’s television news. c follow the lives of legendary figures such as winston churchill, recapture the whiff of scandals such as king edward’s abdication, thrill to great sporting victories, be chilled bydisasters such as aberfan, marvel at scientific discoveries and cheer at artistic triumphsfrom picasso’s first exhibition to the beatles’ first record – it’s all in chronicle , as freshand dramatic as today’s news. d now, at last, it is available in an edition specially prepared for great britain, almostentirely new and reflecting the distinctly british perspective on a century that beganwhen queen victoria was monarch to much of the world. with thousands of illustrations, many in full colour, this book captures the changing social and cultural life of our turbulent times. e chronicle of the 20 th century is more than a book; it’s an experience, taking you back intime to relive history as it happens. no wonder it’s been a best-seller wherever it has been published with more than two million copies sold in germany, france and the unitedstates.. f chronicle of the 20 th century puts you there when men first flies an aeroplane or invents the “talking pictures”. discover what happened at the great moments of history – the russian revolution, the rise and fall of hitler, the d-day landings, the bombing of hiroshima, the assassination of president kennedy and the moon landing
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