
Выполнитьслова: can /can't, couldn't, wouldn't, needn't, may, might, have to, shall, must / must not, should, ought to 1. where is sam? - he still be playing football. he be at home by now. 2. jim is waiting for us, so we'll hurry. 3. i call you tomorrow? 4. children play with matches. 5. her parents are so nice and understanding. she them. 6. how you treat your child in such a way? 7. he wanted to enter the house, but the door open. 8. i was so upset that i say a word. 9. there is much butter in the fridge, so you go to the shop. 10. it is rather cold in the room. - i close the window? 11. i've got a splitting headache. - you take some pills. 12. where is franc? - i don't know, but he be in the swimming pool.

Английский язык



ответ: My car is fast but your car is faster.

This road is broader than that one

Do you think that Maddie is more beautiful than Jane?

My mother is taller than her sister.

In Canada I got used to colder winters

Kate’s dog is cuter than Ann’s

I can't understand which tablecloth is larger, the green one or the blue one

Who is bigger, an elephant or a whale?

Going by bus is cheaper than by train.

The water is colder today than it was two days ago.

Mike studies harder than his brother.

My sister is older than me

Can we walk a bit faster ?


Сделала больше , можешь выбрать


Александр Николаевич родился в Ленинграде 7 августа 1957 года. Он трёхкратный олимпийскн, семикратчемпион мира, один из лучших гимнаст заслуженный мастер спорта СССР.Семпион мира 1979 и 1981 ов. Двукратный чемпион Европы 1979 года. Многомпиопартакиад народов СССР. Единственный в мигст, имеющали во иваемых упражнениях на ох ах: на мовской Олимпиаде 1980 гозвал 3 золот 4х и 1едаль. С этим результатом он вошв книгу рекордов ГиннесВыпал за ленинградскоеинамо».

Но три годаоск Олимпиады, он получил нелепую, но тяжелую травхопного суст. Алексане-то время и даже завоевывал награды на пных мундновах. В ноябре 1981 г Дитятин вышел (ужкачестве итана)мост очередного чемпионата мира, который проходил ве, в спорткександр сказал: «Сде все для дманды». И сделал. Советская сборная снова стлучшей в мире, моевал еще 2 золотые меджнениях на кольцах и на брусьях. После завершения карьеры спортсмена стал тером, проработав до 1995



Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Выполнитьслова: can /can't, couldn't, wouldn't, needn't, may, might, have to, shall, must / must not, should, ought to 1. where is sam? - he still be playing football. he be at home by now. 2. jim is waiting for us, so we'll hurry. 3. i call you tomorrow? 4. children play with matches. 5. her parents are so nice and understanding. she them. 6. how you treat your child in such a way? 7. he wanted to enter the house, but the door open. 8. i was so upset that i say a word. 9. there is much butter in the fridge, so you go to the shop. 10. it is rather cold in the room. - i close the window? 11. i've got a splitting headache. - you take some pills. 12. where is franc? - i don't know, but he be in the swimming pool.
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