
Написать эссе на тему день незавсимости казахстана на 7-20 предложений

Английский язык



According to the works of modern official Kazakh historians, the Kazakhs are the descendants of the peoples: Sakas, Huns, ancient Turks, respectively - the Republic of Kazakhstan is the successor statehood of the listed ethnic groups. Among the "ancestors" of the Kazakhs are also ancient Andronites and arias.

The absence of credible written sources forces the formation of an independent Kazakh Khanate by the middle of the 15th century, by the years of the reign of the Khan-Chingizids of Janibek and Kirei who had receded in the 1460s. from the horde of Abulhair Khan.

The flourishing state of the Kazakhs is usually associated with the activities of the khans: Hakk-Nazar (1538-1580), Yoshima (1598-1628), Tauke (1680-1718). However, the integrity of the nomadic state of the Kazakhs is questioned due to the steadily fixed trial of the horde-horde structure. None of the senior khans of the XVI-XVIII centuries. did not extend its power to all tribes and kind of Kazakhs.

The territory was annexed to the Russian Empire in the eighteenth century. For the most part, the accession was voluntary.

Kazakhstan became the KazSR in 1936. During the 1950s-1960s. Soviet citizens intensively mastered virgin soil in northern Kazakhstan. The influx of settlers (predominantly Russian) led to ethnic diversity and predominance of non-Kazakhs in the region.


Согласно трудам современных официальных казахстанских историков казахи являются потомками народов: саков, хуннов, древних тюрок, соответственно - Республика Казахстан правопреемник государственности перечисленных этносов. В число «предков» казахов зачислены также древние андроновцы и арии.

Отсутствие достоверных письменных источников заставляет относить образование независимого Казахского ханства к середине XV века, к годам правления ханов-чингизидов Джанибека и Кирея откочевавших в 1460-х гг. от орды Абулхайра-хана.

Расцвет государственности казахов обычно связывают с деятельностью ханов: Хакк-Назара (1538-1580), Есима (1598-1628), Тауке (1680-1718). Однако, целостность кочевого государства казахов подвергается сомнению благодаря устойчиво фиксируемой триальной жузово-ордовой структуры. Ни один из старших ханов XVI-XVIII вв. не распространял свою власть на все племена и рода казахов.

Территория была присоединена к Российской империи в XVIII веке. По большей части присоединение носило добровольный характер.

Казахстан стал КазССР в 1936 г. В течение 1950-1960-х гг. советские граждане интенсивно осваивали целину в северном Казахстане. Приток поселенцев (преимущественно русских) обусловил этническое разнообразие и преобладание неказахов в регионе.

Артем Уберт
1. Helen asked Pete if he had played chess with his father the day before
 2. Kate said to her grandmother to help her to cook the soup.
 3. Mike said to the teacher that his sister knew two foreign languages.
4. The teacher asked children what they had prepared for that day.
5. Tom said to his sister he had seen her friend at the library the day before.
6. The teacher said to the pupils not to open their books.
7. She asked him if he could borrow her his textbook
8. My mother said to me that I would go to the cinema the next day
9. Mother said to Tom to go to bed
10. Nellie said to Pete that she had never seen his toys
11. He asked her if she had bought the dictionary
12. Grandfather asked Mary if she had got some marks at school
 13.  Our grandmother said to us we would go to the zoo the next day. 14. Mother said to Pete not to forget to wash his hands.
15. Nick said to his mother he was doing his homework.
16. Tom asked her if she knew the name of the man
17. Mike said to the teacher he had learnt a long poem
18. The man said to the boys not to play in the street.
19. My mother asked  me why I don't  drink my tea.
20. My friend asked me when I had received that letter.
21. Johnny said to his mother he had seen his friend at the stadium the day before.
 22.  The boys asked to Pete if he would play football with them.
23. The teacher said to the 8BIA grade they had already understood the theme speech and she was so happy then.
24. Ada asked me where I had seen such trees.
There are many different holidays in England. I would like to tell you about how english people celebrate New Year and Christmas. They celebrate New Year on January, 1st. They decorate the Christmas tree and the rooms. English people cook much food and set the table. They invite guests, they play interesting games and dance, when it gets midnight, they all clink glasses. 
All english people celebrate Christmas on December, 25th. It is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Preparing for the holiday begins long before December 25th. In November people choose gifts. discuss the holiday menu, send cards and prepare the house for the holiday. 
At the beginning of December there is a big Christmas tree on the main square of England and it's lit by lights. All people decorate not only their houses, but the area around it. There are the figures of Father Christmas on the lawns. there are wreaths on the doors and there are lights in the windows. 

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