Zashchitin Denis

Переведите текст транслитом на . просто транслит с сайта не подойдёт. я плохо говорю по . пример: apple success story -> эппл суццесс стори. прям для совсем не понимающих. фраза do you speak english в транслите на будет выглядить так: ду ю спик инглишь. slide 1 apple success story slide 2 apple was founded on the first of april one thousand nine hundred and seventy-four. it all started in the garage that paul jobs put at his disposal adopted son and his companions; he even dragged a huge wooden workbench which became the first "assembly line" in history corporations. slide 3 work on apple one to steve jobs and steve wozniak accounted for at night. “there were only two of us - wozniak and me. we were also a production department, and delivery service, literally to everyone at once, ”- jobs recalled. slide 4 after a while, jobs managed to attach a batch of apple i computers the owner of the first ever computer a store called byte shop - paul terrell. slide 5 in nineteen ninety-eight, apple introduced the imac - all-in-one computer (monitor, system unit, audio-video peripherals) slide 6 mac oc from the very beginning was designed with the expectation of to ensure that any user without having the right qualifications, first sitting down at a computer, he could immediately but after a few minutes, start working on it, not delving into the technical parameters. the usability in this system was one of the main goals of its creators. it seems to be this apple success slide 7 in two thousand and first year the company introduced the ipod, quickly gained popularity. ninth of january two thousand and seven apple releases first in the world touchscreen phone apple iphone. slide 8 thanks to innovative technology and aesthetic design, apple has created a unique comparable reputation with a cult in the consumer electronics industry. slide 9 appel currently ranks third in smartphone sales in the world. thanks for attention!

Английский язык



1.I sometimes choose _to go(go)somewhere on holiday because a friend recommends it.

2.I hope __to visit___(visit) more cities in my own country this year.

3.I seem ___to have__ (have) good luck with the weather when I go on holiday.It never rains!

4.I want __to travel___ (travel) to places where tourists never go.

5.I always avoid ___travelling__ (travel), by boat because I get sick.

6.I don't enjoy __flying___(fly) very much.

7.I can't imagine __going___(go) on a camping holiday-I prefer hotels!

8.I wouldn't like ___to have__(have) a holiday with a big group of people.


Каждый человек на нашей планете любит развлекаться. все мы развлекаемся по разному - для одних это дискотеки, для других прогулки и ,в конце-концов, посещение театров или кино. меня больше всего привлекает театр. <br />В театре ты душевно разслабляешся и просматривая новую сцену всё больше увлекаешся спектаклем. Большинство людей считают, что театр- это интеллектуальное занятие. и наверное каждый из нас был в театре , но лишь единицы знаю откуда текут его вытоки. Одним из первых заведений был театр Диониса,что в Афинах. раньше их актёрами могли стать лишь древние греки. И играли они превосходно. но сейчас,к сожалению, театр находится в полуразрушенном состоянии. Там не играют спектакли и нет тысячи людей, собранных чтоб его посмотреть... Есть лишь огромное количество туристов которых манит история великого Театра, по образцу которого до сих пор строят современные театры. я имею непреодолимые желание навестить театр и искренне верю, что моя мечта обязательно сбудется!<br /><br /><br /> every person on this planet loves to entertain. we all have fun in different ways - for some, it is a disco, other rides and, in the end, going to the theater or cinema. I was most attracted to the theater. <br /> In the theater, you're mentally rested and looking new scene more and more fascinated by the performance. Most people believe that teatr- an intellectual exercise. and probably every one of us was in the theater, but few know where it Vytok flow. One of the first establishments was the theater of Dionysus, in Athens. before their actors could become only the ancient Greeks. And they played great. but now, unfortunately, the theater is in a dilapidated condition. They do not play shows and there are thousands of people gathered to watch it ... There are a huge number of tourists which attracts the great history of the Theatre, for which the model is still built modern theaters. I have an overwhelming desire to visit the theater and sincerely believe that my dream will come true! возможны ошибки,поэтому проверьте (на всякий случай)

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Переведите текст транслитом на . просто транслит с сайта не подойдёт. я плохо говорю по . пример: apple success story -> эппл суццесс стори. прям для совсем не понимающих. фраза do you speak english в транслите на будет выглядить так: ду ю спик инглишь. slide 1 apple success story slide 2 apple was founded on the first of april one thousand nine hundred and seventy-four. it all started in the garage that paul jobs put at his disposal adopted son and his companions; he even dragged a huge wooden workbench which became the first "assembly line" in history corporations. slide 3 work on apple one to steve jobs and steve wozniak accounted for at night. “there were only two of us - wozniak and me. we were also a production department, and delivery service, literally to everyone at once, ”- jobs recalled. slide 4 after a while, jobs managed to attach a batch of apple i computers the owner of the first ever computer a store called byte shop - paul terrell. slide 5 in nineteen ninety-eight, apple introduced the imac - all-in-one computer (monitor, system unit, audio-video peripherals) slide 6 mac oc from the very beginning was designed with the expectation of to ensure that any user without having the right qualifications, first sitting down at a computer, he could immediately but after a few minutes, start working on it, not delving into the technical parameters. the usability in this system was one of the main goals of its creators. it seems to be this apple success slide 7 in two thousand and first year the company introduced the ipod, quickly gained popularity. ninth of january two thousand and seven apple releases first in the world touchscreen phone apple iphone. slide 8 thanks to innovative technology and aesthetic design, apple has created a unique comparable reputation with a cult in the consumer electronics industry. slide 9 appel currently ranks third in smartphone sales in the world. thanks for attention!
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