"Currently, it is difficult to list all the activities, entertainment and Hobbies that people do in their free time. More and more people prefer to watch movies, performances, sports events on TV, rather than attend them. There are completely different types of leisure activities that give thousands of people a sense of excitement and expectation. People choose different activities to spend their free time. Today, people spend hours watching various informational, educational, or environmental programs. Other popular activities include surfing the Internet, playing computer games and listening to the radio, reading books (often electronic), drawing, etc. Many people prefer to engage in various sports and lead an active lifestyle. Sometimes they participate in competitions or contests and have a very good time. There are people who prefer a quiet way to spend their free time. They love walking in parks or gardens. More serious people prefer to visit museums and galleries. Leri or
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17 ! составить предложения. 5 предложений по языку по теме планитарий с конструкцией: if + подлежащее => сказуемое, подлежащее=> сказуемое => will+vнапример: если я пойду в планитарий, то я узнаю много о звёздахif i go the planetarium, i will learn a lot about stars and planets.
Они перерабатывают и используют повторно всю тару уже много лет. В каждом магазине есть отдел по повторному заполнению тары.
Все магазины выдержаны в одном строгом, но простом дизайне. Обычно в помещениях темно-зеленые стены, широко распахнутые двери.
Логотип Боди Шопа выполнен в ярких желтых и зеленых цветах вот уже на протяжении 30 лет.