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Как-то так)
The term Internet-Internet came into being in the late 20th century. The History of the Internet After the launch of the Soviet satellite spacecraft in 1957, the US Department of Defense maintained that, in the event of war, America needed a reliable information exchange system. It is believed that this system was invented by employees of the US Central Intelligence Agency. To this end, it is committed to creating a network connecting computers to universities in Los Angeles, Utah and California, and the Stanford Research Center. ARPANET project, on October 29, 1969, telephoned four institutions' computers over the phone. ARPANET then developed and began to use it by scientists from different fields. In 1983, this name was replaced by the term "Internet." Today, the number of regular Internet users exceeds 1.5 billion people around the world. At present, the Internet is used not only through computer networks, but also with communication satellites, radio signals, cable TV, communication, special optical - fiber lines and power lines. There are many useful and useful information on the Internet.
Это на русском, вдруг понадобиться)
Термин Интернет-Интернет появился в конце 20-го века. История Интернета После запуска советского космического корабля в 1957 году Министерство обороны США утверждало, что в случае войны Америке нужна надежная система обмена информацией. Считается, что эта система была изобретена сотрудниками Центрального разведывательного управления США. С этой целью он стремится создать сеть, соединяющую компьютеры с университетами в Лос-Анджелесе, Юте и Калифорнии, и в Стэнфордском исследовательском центре. Проект ARPANET, 29 октября 1969 года, позвонил по телефону четыре компьютера учреждений. Затем ARPANET разработала и начала использовать его учеными из разных областей. В 1983 году это имя было заменено термином «Интернет». Сегодня число обычных пользователей Интернета превышает 1,5 миллиарда человек по всему миру. В настоящее время Интернет используется не только через компьютерные сети, но и со спутниками связи, радиосигналами, кабельным телевидением, коммуникациями, специальными оптоволоконными линиями и линиями электропередач. В Интернете много полезной и полезной информации

Actually, I’m not fond of sport, but sometimes I watch hockey games with my parents. My favorite team is SKA from Saint-Petersburg, Russia and in my opinion, the best player of the team is Iliya Kovalchuk.

Ilya started his hockey career when he was 16 years old in Tver. At first time he was a player of the famous Moscow team ‘Spartak’. He is a fantastic hockeyist and the player is loved by Russians so much. Probably, it is because he is the first Russian player invited in NHL in 2001. Ilya played in such Russian hockey teams as “Spartak”, “Ak bars” and “SKA”, but he also signed some contracts with teams of USA and played in “Atlanta” and “New Jersey”. Ilya is also known as a finalist of the Stanley Cup.

Besides, his team won a bronze medal at the 2002 Winter Olympic Games and Ilya has been a member of Russian Olympic team three times at least. Ilya has been honored with the Master of Sports title. In 2015 he gained silver medals of the World Championship.

Indeed, a lot of women like this guy because he is a very handsome and charismatic man. He is really tall (191 cm) and big (100 kg) like a savage Russian bear. His position in the team is forward. Competitors are afraid of him, but he is so respected by his partners and hockey fans.

By the way, Ilya Kovalchuk participates in different charity events and social occasions with other celebrities. He is favorable guest on every party. Ilya is known as a very good-natured and sociable sportsman. That’s why SKA twitter gets more than 100 000 followers.

As for me, I guess, that such people as mr. Kovalchuk can make every game more spectacular and interesting. I like him for his outstanding performance and achievements. He is not only a clever, nice and charming man but a great professional in the hockey sphere, that’s why he is my favorite sportsman.

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