Dear Dima,
Thank you very much for your email. I was very glad to get it.
You ask me about my new house.
Well, our mension is huge. It's made of stone and it's а three storied building. There is а magnificent forest and a lake near here. We have 4 bedrooms, 2 toilets, 4 rooms, an attic and a large kitchen.
I hope you are well. I'm going to have a house-warming party. I guess, it happens this weekend. I've sent lots of invitations to our friends. In fact, they are young guys and girls, and we won't be bored. Come with your girlfriend, because girls will take part in different shows and entertainments too. They will definitely like it. Besides, there will be much delicious and tasty things, nice CDs and much more.
And now another thing, to get to my place is only possible by helicopter. I will send it for you) That's joke, relax!)
Frankly speaking, the public transport doesn't go here and you will have to take a taxi. I live in the suburbs among wild nature, but there's an appropriate road here. I'm going to do a print screen of a map and send it to you. Explain it to the driver and I suppose, you will get here in an hour. Don't worry about the payment, leave it for me.
Well, let me know tomorrow if you are ready to come and I will tell you the exact time. I hope to see you at my party!
Take care. Email soon. Best wishes.
Your friend,
Дорогой Дима,
Большое за твоё письмо. Я был рад получить его.
Ты спрашиваешь меня о моем новом доме.
Ну, наш особняк огромный. Он каменный, трехэтажный. Рядом есть великолепный лес и озеро. У нас 4 спальни, 2 туалета, 4 комнаты, мансарда и большая кухня.
Надеюсь, у тебя все хорошо. Я собираюсь устроить вечеринку по случаю новоселья. Я думаю, устроить её в эти выходные. Я послал много приглашений нашим друзьям. Все они молодые ребята, и скучать нам не придется. Приходите со своей девушкой, ведь девушки тоже будут принимать участие в различных шоу и развлечениях. Им это точно понравится. Кроме того, будет много деликатесных и вкусных вещей, хорошие диски с музыкой и многое другое.
Теперь следующее: добраться до моего места можно только на вертолете. Я пошлю его за вами. Это шутка, расслабься.)
Честно говоря, общественный транспорт здесь не ходит и вам придется взять такси. Я живу в пригороде среди дикой природы, но здесь хорошая дорога. Я собираюсь сделать скрин карты и отправить его вам. Объясните всё водителю, и я полагаю, вы доберетесь сюда через час. Не беспокойся об оплате, оставь это на меня.
Итак, дай мне знать, завтра, готовы ли вы приехать, и я скажу вам точное время. Я надеюсь увидеть тебя на моей вечеринке!
Будь здоров. Пиши побыстрей. С наилучшими пожеланиями.
Твой друг,
It's a very big country with a lot of climatic zones, so there are different kinds of flora and fauna in it. The most common plant that is associated with my country is a birch tree. These trees are very beautiful as they have white bark and long branches. They can grow tall. These trees grow nearly everywhere in central and southern parts of Russia. Other common plants are fir, pine, oak, poplar, aspen, and willow.
As for common animals, they are foxes, wolves, hares, squirrels and bears. They live in forests and sometimes in fields. For example, the taiga forest is home for the European elk, brown bears, reindeer, the lynx, the sable, and a variety of forest birds, such as owls and the nightingale. In the water there are different kinds of fish and in the north of the country we can find some mammals like seal, walrus and whale.
Our songbirds include blackbirds, nightingales, larks, orioles, starlings. Common waterbirds are ducks, swans, geese, gulls, shorebirds, coots, loons and others.
Some animals have become symbols of Russia and Russian cities and towns — the brightest example is the bear
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