Контрольная работа
Вариант 1
1. Заверши предложения, используя is, am, are:
1) Len __is___ a good student. Mother Mary and father Jack __are__ happy.
2) We by the shop. It an old shop.
3) Where you from? you from Leeds?
4) Larry and Pete in Moscow. Bess in Moscow too.
2. Соедини сочетания букв со звуками, которые они передают:
ir [ t∫ ]
or [ ɜ: ]
ch [ ks ]
x [ Ↄ: ]
3. Соедини эти английские и русские слова:
nurse а. папоротник
queen б. медсестра
fern в. королева
lemon г. спичка
match д. брат
bird е. лимон
brother ж. русалка
mermaid з. птица
4. Напиши 3 предложения о том, кого/что ты любишь и объясни почему:
1) I like chimps. They are funny.
2) I like
3) I like
4) I like
5. Переделай предложения по образцу:
1) It is a box. They are boxes.
2) It is a mermaid.
3) She is a good nurse.
4) He is a pupil.
6. Расставь слова так, чтобы получились предложения, и запиши их.
1. is / granny / old / sad / and.
Granny is old and sad.
2. book / is / sad / a / it.
3. a / is / pilot / Pete / good.
4. can / she / a / see / birch.
7. Заполни пропуски недостающими предлогами by, on, in, under.
1. Mary and Kate are _in_ the street. They are the shop. Kate can see cakes and sweets the shop. They are good.
2. Kim and Rex are the park.
Kim is the bench. Rex is the bench. They are happy.
8. Напиши множественное число существительных:
nurse – nurses
girl -
mermaid -
fern -
bird -
desk -
Контрольная работа
Вариант 2
1. Заверши предложения, используя is, am, are:
1) Len __is___ a good student. Mother Mary and father Jack __are__ happy.
2) I a pupil, I not a student.
3) Missy my cat. It cute and funny.
4) Your brothers not in Rome. They in Paris.
2. Соедини сочетания букв со звуками, которые они передают:
qu [ au ]
sh [ ɜ: ]
ur [ ∫ ]
ou [ kw ]
3. Соедини эти английские и русские слова:
servant а. виноград
grapes б. апельсин
orange в. слуга
tulip г. студент
student д. девочка
birch е. тюльпан
girl ж. летчик
pilot з. береза
4. Напиши 3 предложения о том, кого/что ты любишь и объясни почему:
1) I like chimps. They are funny.
2) I like
3) I like
4) I like
5. Переделай предложения по образцу:
1) It is a box. They are boxes.
2) It is a plane.
3) She is a cute girl.
4) He is a cook.
6. Расставь слова так, чтобы получились предложения, и запиши их.
1. is / granny / old / sad / and.
Granny is old and sad.
2. is / Len / not / happy.
3. are / in / they / London.
4. can / they / a / see / cat.
7. Заполни пропуски недостающими предлогами by, on, in, under.
1. Mary and Kate are _in_ the street. They are the shop. Kate can see cakes and sweets the shop. They are good.
2. Kim and Rex are the park.
Kim is the bench. Rex is the bench. They are happy.
8. Напиши множественное число существительных:
nurse – nurses
bag -
servant -
banana -
turtle -
bed -
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Быстрее не, 25 ask your classmates questions beginning with which is
Yes, he did. Brother Rabbit had four carrots.
2.Why was Brother Rabbit happy to have four carrots?
Brother Rabbit was happy to have four carrots because he was very hungry.
3.What did Brother Goat think when he saw the carrots?
When Brother Goat saw the carrots he thought that he had got good friends. Brother Goat wanted to be a good friend too. He thought that Brother Rabbit was hungry.
4.Was it kind of Brother Rabbit to help his friend?
Yes, it was very kind of Brother Rabbit to help his friend.
5.Why is the story called "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed"?
The story is called "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed" because it shows how friendship is important. A real friend is always ready to help you even if he has to give you his last bite of food.