Past Continuous: Sally was reading a book when the doorbell rang – Сэлли читала книгу, когда в зазвонил звонок. The children were playing football all day long in the yard – Дети весь день играли в футбол во дворе. Between 2 and 3 p.m. o’clock Emily was cooking a dinner – Между 2 и 3 часами дня Эмили готовила обед. Past Simple: I saw her in the shop yesterday - Я видел её в магазине вчера. They came to the lecture too early last Monday - В понедельник они пришли на лекцию слишком рано. Mr. Brown asked me about you three days ago - Мистер Браун спрашивал о тебе 3 дня назад.
1. It was raining yesterday afternoon. Did it rain last afternoon? It wasn't raining this afternoon. 2. Beal went to school yesterday. Did Bill go to school yesterday? Beal didn't go to school yesterday. 3. Alice watered flowers yesterday. Did Alice water flowers yesterday? Alice didn't water flowers yesterday
1. When you called I was taking a shower. When you called I wasn't taking a shower. What I doing when you called? 2. Charlie and me were already driving home when the engine suddenly stopped. Charlie and me weren't already driving home when the engine suddenly stopped. With whom did I go home yesterday when the engine stopped? 3. I was playing football When my mom called me. I wasn't playing footbal When my mom called me. What did I play When my mother called me?
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speak of the natural sciences you study at school.what does each of them study? which one is your favourite? which one don't you like? ❤️❤️
Sally was reading a book when the doorbell rang – Сэлли читала книгу, когда в зазвонил звонок.
The children were playing football all day long in the yard – Дети весь день играли в футбол во дворе.
Between 2 and 3 p.m. o’clock Emily was cooking a dinner – Между 2 и 3 часами дня Эмили готовила обед.
Past Simple:
I saw her in the shop yesterday - Я видел её в магазине вчера.
They came to the lecture too early last Monday - В понедельник они пришли на лекцию слишком рано.
Mr. Brown asked me about you three days ago - Мистер Браун спрашивал о тебе 3 дня назад.