
Перевод текста заранее ! government cuts subsidies to russian milk producers russia's agriculture ministry has reduced direct subsidies for milk producers this year to a mere 100 million rubles ($1.5 million), undercutting promises of support for local farmers to boost output, the vedomosti newspaper reported wednesday. the agriculture ministry said in june it would funnel 500 million rubles ($7.5 million) into reimbursing expenses to modernize milk production, but according to a letter sent by agriculture ministry official anatoly kutsenko to the executive director of russia's national dairy producers union, artyom belov, and obtained by vedomosti, the ministry has cut that amount fivefold. the money has instead been used to subsidize interest rates on short term loans, an agriculture ministry spokesperson told vedomosti. demands on the russian dairy industry have increased following moscow's bans on imports of dairy products from the u.s., european union and some other countries last year — a response to sanctions on russia over its role in the ukraine crisis. russia is a net food importer, and officials have used the tensions created by the conflict in ukraine to promote self-sufficiency in food production. the dairy industry is building facilities to house 40, 000 heads of cattle and needs far more money than the ministry is currently planning to allocate, belov was quoted by industry news site on wednesday. the russian government reduced the total amount of subsidies for the milk industry from the planned 25 billion rubles ($378 million) to 13.6 billion rubles ($206 million) this year, belov said, adding that this was half the amount received by the industry in 2013. belov said that the government had promised it would help cover the additional expenses incurred by the dairy industry to expand production, according to milk imports dropped 4.5 times between august 2014 — when the embargo on western dairy was imposed — to june, compared to the same period a year before, the ria novosti news agency reported, citing data from the national dairy producers union.

Английский язык


Амелия беделия прошла еще около квартала. она увидела объявление на окне. оно гласило: требуется делопроизводитель.  "интересно, кто такой делопроизводитель? - сказала она. - как раз зайду узнаю. "  её встретил мужчина:   " вы делопроизводитель? " - спросил он.  "я им буду, - сказала амелия беделия, - если вы расскажите мне, что надо делать".  "хорошо, - сказал мужчина. - сначала возьми эти письма. надо наклеить на них марки. затем зарегистрируйте и разложите по папкам эти бумаги".  "я это сделаю",- сказала амелия беделия. мужчина ушёл в свой кабинет. амелия беделия посмотрела на письма.  "их надо штамповать все сразу или по одному? - подумала она, - лучше сделаю по одному". и амелия беделия брала каждое письмо. она клала его на пол. и амелия беделия наступала на него. "вот - сказала она. наверное, достаточно штампов. теперь надо зарегистрировать и разложить эти бумаги". амелия беделия посмотрела на бумаги. потом посмотрела в свой кошелек. там она нашла пилочку для ногтей.  "она конечно, маленькая, для того чтобы отшлифовать все бумаги. но я сделаю все, что смогу". и амелия беделия начала шлифовать бумаги. мужчина вернулся.  "прекратите! - сказал он. - что вы делаете?   "просто шлифую ваши бумаги, - сказала амелия беделия. - у вас есть пилочка побольше? "  "о нет! - сказал мужчина. убирайтесь. "  и амелия беделия ушла.
Great britain is situated on the islands. it is washed by seas from all the sides. that’s why the climate and the nature of great britain are very specific. it is not very cold in winter and never very hot in summer. there is no ice on the lakes and rivers in winter. it seldom snows. it rains very often in all the seasons. the weather changes very often. all this is due to the influence of the gulf stream. so, we may say that the british climate has three main features: it is mild, humid and changeable. this humid and mild climate is good for plants. trees and flowers begin to blossom very early in spring.

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Перевод текста заранее ! government cuts subsidies to russian milk producers russia's agriculture ministry has reduced direct subsidies for milk producers this year to a mere 100 million rubles ($1.5 million), undercutting promises of support for local farmers to boost output, the vedomosti newspaper reported wednesday. the agriculture ministry said in june it would funnel 500 million rubles ($7.5 million) into reimbursing expenses to modernize milk production, but according to a letter sent by agriculture ministry official anatoly kutsenko to the executive director of russia's national dairy producers union, artyom belov, and obtained by vedomosti, the ministry has cut that amount fivefold. the money has instead been used to subsidize interest rates on short term loans, an agriculture ministry spokesperson told vedomosti. demands on the russian dairy industry have increased following moscow's bans on imports of dairy products from the u.s., european union and some other countries last year — a response to sanctions on russia over its role in the ukraine crisis. russia is a net food importer, and officials have used the tensions created by the conflict in ukraine to promote self-sufficiency in food production. the dairy industry is building facilities to house 40, 000 heads of cattle and needs far more money than the ministry is currently planning to allocate, belov was quoted by industry news site on wednesday. the russian government reduced the total amount of subsidies for the milk industry from the planned 25 billion rubles ($378 million) to 13.6 billion rubles ($206 million) this year, belov said, adding that this was half the amount received by the industry in 2013. belov said that the government had promised it would help cover the additional expenses incurred by the dairy industry to expand production, according to milk imports dropped 4.5 times between august 2014 — when the embargo on western dairy was imposed — to june, compared to the same period a year before, the ria novosti news agency reported, citing data from the national dairy producers union.
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