
класс 6 ACTIVATE Look at The Scream by Edvard Munch and prepare a new dialogue with a partner. Use the key phrases and ideas from exercise 4 or your own ideas. Practise your dialogue. ​

Английский язык



2 задание:

2. Because I'm hungry.

3. It's John's.

4. He's forty.

5. Yesterday.

6. It'so under your book.

7. It'so John.

8. Three.

9. There'so a lot.

3 задание:

2. What is your friend doing?

3. Whose pencils are these?

4. How old is your mum?

5. When did you draw this picture?

4 задание:

2. why

3. whose

4. How

5. When

6. where

7. who

8. how many

9. how much

1 задание:

2. I will sing 3. I won't play 4. I will play 5. I will have 6. will see

7. I will be 8. I will fly 9. I won't live 10. I will live

11. I will play 12. I won't play 13. I will play 14. will come

2 задание:

2. Yes, they will.

3. No, she won't

4. She will be an astronaut

5. She will live on the moon

6. No, he won't

7. He will play basketball

8. His family and friends will watch him


Waiter: Good evening! Are you ready to order?

Добрый вечер! Вы готовы сделать заказ?

Madam: Well, first, can you please tell me what is today's soup?

Что ж, для начала скажите , какой суп у вас сегодня в меню?

Waiter: It's bean soup. It's very good!

Суп из бобов. Он очень хорош!

Madam: OK. I'd like soup as a starter and then could I have veal scallop for my main course?

Хорошо, я бы хотела начать с супа, а затем, в качестве основного блюда, можно мне эскалоп из телятины?

Waiter: Is that with salad?

С салатом?

Madam: With vegetables, please!

С овощами .

Waiter: Certainly, madam!

Конечно, мадам.

Lady: I like the same for my starter, please! And then I'd like spaghetti bolognaise for my main course.

Мне то же самое на первое ! А затем я бы хотела спагетти болоньезе на второе.

Waiter: And to you, sir?

А что вам, сэр?

Sir: Could I have risotto as a starter, please? And then what is chicken Amalfi?

Я , начну с ризотто, а что за блюдо - курица амалфи?

Waiter: It's our speciality. It's chicken with a tomato and mushroom sauce.

Это наше фирменное блюдо. Курица в соусе из томатов и грибов.

Sir. That sounds good! I'd like that, please!

Звучит отлично, я бы хотел попробовать.

Lady: They have very good desserts here, too. The ice cream is wonderful!

У них здесь ещё отличные десерты. Мороженое восхитительно!

Madam: Great! I love Italian ice cream.

Замечательно! Обожаю итальянское мороженое.

Sir: Me too!

Я тоже!

Waiter: And would you like something to drink?

Что будете пить?

Sir: Mary, Anna, would you like wine?

Мэри, Анна, не хотите ли вина?

Madam: I'd love a glass of red wine.

С удовольствием выпью бокал красного.

Waiter: The house wine?

Домашнее вино?

Madam: Yes, that's fine, thanks!

Да, хорошо !

Lady: I just like some sparkling water.

Я буду просто газированную воду.

Sir: Okay, two glasses of the house red wine and a bottle of sparkling water, please!

Хорошо, два бокала домашнего красного вина и бутылку газированной воды !

Waiter: Very good!

Очень хорошо!

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класс 6 ACTIVATE Look at The Scream by Edvard Munch and prepare a new dialogue with a partner. Use the key phrases and ideas from exercise 4 or your own ideas. Practise your dialogue. ​
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