
Составьте предложения с данными словосочетаниями: last Saturday . a month ago • last year. last week • a fortnight ago​

Английский язык



I took him racing last Saturday. A month ago, these people were strangers. And let me repeat what you saw last year. The examination he took last week was very hard. Your test results came back about a fortnight ago.


Составила самые лёгкие

Last Saturday I play tennis

A month ago I won the competition

Last year I was a Korea

Last week I play a football

A fortnight ago I walking with my friends

Ну... Кокто так.. Возможно были ошибки. Да я и не сильна в английском


1. Tito is typing a text message to his friend.

2. Are John and Mandy cleaning the kitchen?

3. Peter isn’t doing his homework.

4. Sue is moving her books to her room. 5. The children are watching TV.

6. Frida isn’t cleaning the house.

7. Jessenia and you are walking the dog now.

8. He is making his bed.

9. Teresa isn’t working.

10. I am writing a report.

11. Is it raining?

12. I am reading a book at the moment.

Как составляются предложения в Present Continuous:

Утвердительные предложения:

Сущ/местоим +am/is/are+глагол+ing окончание (если глагол закачивается на e, то мы убираем e и добавляем окончание -ing)

I am reading a book now. My mother is typing a text message at the moment.

Вопросительные предложения:

Am/is/are+сущ/местоим+глагол с окончанием ing

Are you doing your homework?

Отрицательные предложения:

Сущ/местоим +am/is/are+глагол с окончанием ing

I’m not doing my homework now. Sally isn’t working at the moment.


Am употребляется с I

Is употребляется с He, She, It

Are употребляется с You, We, They



1 a little

2 many

3 much

4 many

5 a few

6 few

7 a little


1 anything

2 any

3 some

4 nothing

5 nothing

6 something

7 anyone

8 Someone


1 The

2 The

3 -/the/-/-

4 the

5 The /the


1 will spend

2 is sinking

3 will unload

4 attends

5 were able to see


1 Our luggage is being examined by custom officers

2 The country is ruled by the Prime Minister

3 The letter has been bought by him

4 You will be informed of the news

5 The key was lost by her


1 I said that the next day we would reach the home port.

2 The reporter noted that there was a serious lack of resourses available to them then

3 A famous ecologist stated that the use of nuclear energy had led to the threat

4 He said that on their way they described many islands

5 The master said that they were sailing southward then

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Составьте предложения с данными словосочетаниями: last Saturday . a month ago • last year. last week • a fortnight ago​
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