
1.How many capital cities has South Africa got? 2.What's the population of South Africa? 3.How many offical languages are there in South Africa? 4.What's South Africa sometimes called? 5.What's the name of a famous mountain in South Africa? 6.What's South Africa number one in the world for? пАмАгИте​

Английский язык



1.South Africa has 3 capitals: Pretoria (administrative), Cape town (legislative) and Bloemfontein (judicial).

2.The population of South Africa is 57,000,000.

3.There are 11 official languages in South Africa.It: English, Afrikaans,Venda,Zulu, Xhosa,southern Ndebele,Swati,Sesotho,Northern Sotho,Tswana,Tsonga.

4.Sometimes South Africa is called Republic of South Africa.

5.The famous mountain of South Africa "Tafelberg whose height is 1085 meters.

6.Because it is the most economically developed country in Africa.

12. I don't like this place, I don't think we will pleasantly spend time Here 13. Hush! Don't Wake the baby. 14. In recent times, their knowledge has increased significantly. 15. What is the best way to learn a foreign language? 16. When we finally approached the village, it was dark. 17. If you want to contact him on this issue, call him 18. I am willing to help you but don't know if I can do it. 19. Give me your word not to risk it, if you find yourself in danger. 20. How about to live in the summer in the village? 21. Come see me at a convenient time for you. 22. I will gladly look after Your dog. 23. When are you going to get rid of old Newspapers and magazines?
By 6pm I had done my homework (К 6 вечера я сделал домашку). It rained, I went outside and realized that I had forgotten the umbrella (Лил дождь, я вышел на улицу и понял, что забыл зонтик). I hadn't drunk a half cup of the milk before I understood that it was wicked (Я не выпил и половины стакана молока, как понял, что оно прокисло). Had you thought on your behavior? (Ты подумал над своим поведением?). Where had you studied before you moved into our school? (Где ты учился, прежде чем перешёл в нашу школу?). After the teacher had gone out the classroom, pupils began to yell (После того, как учитель вышел из класса, ученики начали орать). By that time I had been far away from here already (К этому времени я уже был далеко отсюда). I want to get a lot of unforgettable moments before I had graduated school (Я хочу получить много незабываемых моментов перед тем, как закончу школу). I was 7 years old when I had lost my favorite childly toe (Мне было 7, когда я потерял любимую игрушку детства). Before my arriving in the school I had eaten my favorite food for a good day surely (Перед пребыванием в школу, я конечно же ем любимую еду для хорошего дня).

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1.How many capital cities has South Africa got? 2.What's the population of South Africa? 3.How many offical languages are there in South Africa? 4.What's South Africa sometimes called? 5.What's the name of a famous mountain in South Africa? 6.What's South Africa number one in the world for? пАмАгИте​
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