1. I will have done it by that time.
2. He will have written a letter by the time she comes.
3. We will have built a new house by the end of the year.
4. Mother won’t have cooked dinner when we come home.
5. Will you have done your homework by seven o'clock?
6. They won’t have arrived by the evening.
7. Why won’t she have come by five o'clock?
8. Who will have taken exam by this time?
9. Will he have read this book by the end of the month?
10. I won't have looked through all the magazines by this time
She worked abroad. – Вона працювала за кордоном.
My uncle lived here. – Мій дядько жив тут.
Harry wrote a lot of books. – Гаррі написав багато книг.
She was angry yesterday. – Вчора вона була розлюченою.
We were young and reckless. – Ми були молоді та безтурботні.
I was tired. – Я був втомленим.
She wasn't abroad. – Вона не була за кордоном.
Was Harry a good writer? – Гаррі був хорошим письменником?
You were tired. – Ви були втомлені.
Those books weren't that old. – Ті книги не були настільки старими.
Where were your parents last summer? – Де були твої батьки минулого літа?
He was a famous singer. – Він був відомим співаком. (Він більше не співає)
This man once won a medal. – Цей чоловік одного разу виграв медаль.
She worked abroad for 20 years. – Вона працювала за кордоном двадцять років. (Вона більше не працює за кордоном)
Mary won a Math medal when she was a schoolgirl. – Мері виграла медаль з математики, коли була школяркою. (Вона не може більше виграти медаль з математики, адже вона більше не школярка)
My grandmother once sang with Freddie Mercury. – Одного разу моя бабуся співала з Фредді Мерк'юрі. (Вона більше не може співати з ним, його немає в живих.)
Ann was cleaning the house while Mark was washing their car. – Енн прибирала в будинку тоді, коли Марк мив їхню машину.
Kate was drawing and Paul was doing his hometask. – Кейт малювала, а Пол виконував своє домашнє завдання.
She entered the room and screamed. – Вона зайшла до кімнати та закричала.
I woke up, washed my face and brushed my teeth. – Я прокинувся, умився та почистив зуби.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Choose the right sentence: 1. I think pollution is not greed. I think pollution is greed. I thinks pollution is greed. 2. Not using the car when we could walk is one way. Not using the car when we can’t walk is one way. Not using the car when we can walk is one way. 3. Barack Obama says he’s going to do his best to help the Earth. Barack Obama says he’s going to did his best to help the Earth. Barack Obama says he’s not going to do his best to help the Earth.
1-2, 2-2, 3-3. Там по переводу смотри