
Complete the text with an appropriate word in each gap. Nick Leeson started working as a money trader for Barings Bank in the City of London in the late 1980s. He quickly became successful and soon he was Barings Bank's star Singapore trader. By 1993, Leeson had made more than ten million pounds for the bank, and he and his wife Lisa were enjoying a life of luxury in Singapore. And, perhaps, if Leeson hadn’t 1 greedy, his life would have been very different. But he wanted even more money. Unfortunately, Leeson was 2 of luck by 1994, when the money markets started to turn against him. By autumn that year, his losses were 208 million pounds. But he thought that things were 3 control, and he tried to recover these losses by 4 , not telling anyone about the risks he was taking. Leeson requested extra money from his managers in order to continue his trading activities, as he attempted to save himself from the financial mess he was 5 . Because of these requests, the bank 6 Leeson put under investigation in February 1995. They discovered, 7 chance, that Leeson had hidden losses of 800 million pounds 8 purpose in an account called ‘Error Account 88888’. This was almost the entire value of Barings Bank itself. 9 the bank had discovered this earlier, they may have survived, but, by now, the losses were too big for the bank to recover from. When he was discovered, Leeson and his wife went on the run, first to Borneo, then to Frankfurt, but 10 the end he was arrested and then sent back to Singapore. Leeson was found guilty of fraud and was sent to prison for six and a half years.

Английский язык


beenoutunderhimselfinhad (?)byonifin

Не уверен насчет 6, все остальное должно быть правильно

Давным-давно был город названный Нуб-Буб.
Ето был самый шумный город на земле.там люди никогда не говорили,они кричали.самый шумный человек был молодой принц.он был очень маленьким мальчиком,только восемь(лет),но он мог нашуметь больше чем взрослый человек.
Его любимой игрой было забраться на лесницу с банками и швырять их вниз с большим шумом.В один день он сказал королю: Я хочу услышать самый громкий звук на земле на мой день рождения.   Королю понравилась идея: Было бы хорошо услышать миллионы людей вскрикивать с днём Рожденья моему сыну.День пришёл и два милиарда человек собрались в их публичных местах для сбора.Они посмотрели с волнением (возбуждением)на часы.Юнный принц ждал самый громкий звук,смотря на тысячи ???.Все замолчали чтобы услышать всех кричать.
Странно но принц показался счастливым.Он в первый раз услышал пение плиц и шёпот ветра в листьях

не ну щёто ядрённое они должны были закурить
Давным давно был город, который назывался Нуб Буб. Это был самый шумный город в мире. Люди там никогда не разговаривали, они кричали. Самым шумным человеком был молодой принц. Он был очень маленький, ему было 8 лет, но он мог наделать больше шума, чем взрослый человек. Его любимая игра была взбираться вверх по лестнице с жестяными банками и бросать их с грохотом. Однажды он с Азалия королю Я ХОЧУ УСЛЫШАТЬ САМЫЙ ГРОМКИЙ ШУМ В МИРЕ НА МОЙ ДЕНЬ РОЖДЕНИЯ. Королю понравилась идея. Будет весело услышать как миллионы людей

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Complete the text with an appropriate word in each gap. Nick Leeson started working as a money trader for Barings Bank in the City of London in the late 1980s. He quickly became successful and soon he was Barings Bank's star Singapore trader. By 1993, Leeson had made more than ten million pounds for the bank, and he and his wife Lisa were enjoying a life of luxury in Singapore. And, perhaps, if Leeson hadn’t 1 greedy, his life would have been very different. But he wanted even more money. Unfortunately, Leeson was 2 of luck by 1994, when the money markets started to turn against him. By autumn that year, his losses were 208 million pounds. But he thought that things were 3 control, and he tried to recover these losses by 4 , not telling anyone about the risks he was taking. Leeson requested extra money from his managers in order to continue his trading activities, as he attempted to save himself from the financial mess he was 5 . Because of these requests, the bank 6 Leeson put under investigation in February 1995. They discovered, 7 chance, that Leeson had hidden losses of 800 million pounds 8 purpose in an account called ‘Error Account 88888’. This was almost the entire value of Barings Bank itself. 9 the bank had discovered this earlier, they may have survived, but, by now, the losses were too big for the bank to recover from. When he was discovered, Leeson and his wife went on the run, first to Borneo, then to Frankfurt, but 10 the end he was arrested and then sent back to Singapore. Leeson was found guilty of fraud and was sent to prison for six and a half years.
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