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The Chronicle of NarniaThe Lion, the Witch andthe WardrobeJucy ran out of the empty room and found the other three."It's all right, ” she said, "I've come back.""What are you talking about, Lucy?" asked Susan.Why?" said Lucy, “Don't worry about me, I am here now.Would you like to know where I was?"“So you were hiding, weren't you?" said Peter. “Poor oldLu, hiding and nobody noticed! You'll have to hide longerthan that if you want people to start looking for you.""But I've been away for hours and hours, " said Lucy.The others all looked at one another."Crazy!” said Edmund. "Quite crazy!"“What do you mean, Lu?” asked Peter."What I said, " answered Lucy. “It was just after breakfastwhen I went into the wardrobe, and I've been away forhours and hours, and had tea, and all sorts of things havehappened.”“Don't be silly, Lucy, ” said Susan. "We've only just come outof that room a moment ago, and you were there then.""She's not being silly at all, ” said Peter, "she's just makingup a story for fun, aren't you, Lu? And why shouldn't she?"“No, Peter, I'm not, " Lucy said. "It's — it's a magicwardrobe. There's a wood inside it, and it's snowing, andthere's a Faun and a Witch and it's called Narnia; come andsee.The others did not know what to think, but Lucy was soexcited that they all went back with her into the room. Sherushed ahead of them, opened the door of the wardrobe andcried, "Now! Go in and see for yourselves."“Why?" said Susan, putting her head inside and pulling thefur coats apart, "it's just an ordinary wardrobe; look! There'sthe back of it."
а что делать то тут надо