
Составить описание героя Дисней на английском, 60-80 слов

Английский язык



Mickey Mouse the Creators of Mickey mouse are Walt Disney and its chief animator AB Iverks • Mickey mouse's birthday is November 18, 1928. At first, Walt Disney wanted to call the mouse Mortimer, but his wife offered her own version - Mickey. * Disney has long voiced Mickey mouse himself in their cartoons. • Mickey's height is 109 cm • Mickey's Weight is 23.5 pounds • Mickey mouse is the logo of the Disney Corporation. In many disney movies, there is the phenomenon of "hidden Mickey" - at an unexpected moment, a shadow or some other composition appears in the frame in the shape of the head and round ears of Mickey mouse.


What the future will need to be foreseen. Science fiction writers differently describe the future. But in most cases they are similar in one: in the company of people there will be robots which will have an artificial intelligence, and people will start to move on other planets. It is possible, so it and will be. After all once people thought that the earth flat but when began to plow open spaces of the ocean and to open continents, understood that affairs is absolutely in a different way.

Over time people also will start to open new planets as once opened new continents. The person can't sit in place, it is directed in the future, before it still a set of secrets which to it should be opened.

Someone is afraid of the future as uncertainty always frightens. That nobody waits for the person through some hundreds years knows. A lot of things depends on the person, he creates history and builds the future. Probably, the most important consists in that people took care of the future for new generation that they shouldn't be suffered from diseases, shortage of food. We should care of the future, about in what condition mother Earth will get to our descendants.


Проектная работа 3.

 Напиши о том, что ты делаешь, чтобы сохранить здоровье. Нарисуй свою историю с картинками или проиллюстрируй фотографиями.

В самом задании: Пополни новой страницей свой альбом английского языка. Попроси свою семью или друзей если необходимо.

Картинки нарисуешь самостоятельно. Вот, что можно делать, чтобы  сохранить здоровье:

I like to run every morning or to do morning exercises.  I go to the park to play tennis or football with my family every week.  I also often ride a bike with my friends after the lessons. Sometimes I go to the swimming pool on Sundays. I like to eat healthy food and go to bed at 10 o'clock.

Я люблю бегать каждое утро или делать утреннюю зарядку. Я хожу в парк, чтобы играть в теннис или футбол с семьей каждую неделю. Я также часто катаюсь на велосипеде с друзьями после уроков. Иногда по воскресеньям я хожу в бассейн. Я люблю есть здоровую пищу и ложусь спать в 10 часов.

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