12:20 1 1,8 K6 / c Завершите второе предложение так, чтобы оно имело то же значение, что и первое предложение. Используйте 1–3 слова. 1 На вечеринку можно надеть шикарное платье, но это не обязательно. надеть на вечеринку шикарное платье. Вы 2 Недостаточно тепло, чтобы устроить пикник на улице сегодня. Это для пикника на улице сегодня. 3 Я ненавижу свою новую стрижку, - сказала Салли, Салли сказала, что ее новая стрижка. 4 Школа еще не предоставила нам результаты экзаменов. наши результаты экзаменов еще нет Мы 5 Эта машина не такая мощная, как бабушкин. Бабушкина машина - вот эта. 6 Матч закончился до нашего приезда. Когда мы приедем, матч 7 Мы отправим вам электронное письмо о школьной поездке завтра вашим родителям. Письмо твоим родителям о завтрашней школьной поездке. 3АКПБИТБ
перевод больше не могу
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Составьте предложения в настоящем времени 1.) 5000 people lived in Cherepovets in 1871.2.) there were 2 schools, 5 cinemas, 3 theatres, 5 restaurants.3.) most of the prople worked at Frage.4.) after work they liked go to church gavgeming.5.) pupil didn't travel be cars, they traveled by horse.
1. faster
2. heavier
3. more dangerous
4. smaller
5. larger
6. lighter
7. rarer
8. more common
9. worse
10. better
correct the sentences
1. Cats are more popular than snakes as pets.
2. Pigs are more intelligent than other animals.
3. Turtles are slower than crocodiles.
4. Elephants are heavier than pigs.
5. Bears are rarer than snakes.
comlete the sentences
1. i am taller then my sister
2. the cats are better
3. of the most dangerous
4. bigger car
5. is havier than
6. you look thinner than last month
7. are slower than
8. is the nicest person
9. is the best film
10. are cheaper than
11. taller than you
12. is the easiest
13. is nicer than your dog
14. are better than
15. is the best
16. are more dangerous than
17. is the more serious than
18. is smarter than
19. the most expensive
20. is funnier than me
22. is the most largest
23. is the highest
24. is larger than
25. ia easier than
26. is the biggest
27. is more comfortable than yours
28. is the most rich
29. stronger than you
30. gets bigger than
1. the more expensive than
2. is the best
3. is the faster than
4. is freindlier tan
5. is cleverer than
6. are funnier than
7. is bigger than
8. is older than
9. is faster than
10. is longer than
11. is more intelligent
12. is wiser than
13. is happier than
14. is busier than
15. is more dangerous than
16. the narrowest
17. is more imortant than
18. the worst
19. is the best
20. is smaller than
21. is faster than
22. is faster than
23. is the cmallest
24. is the brightest
25. is cleaner than
26. is the tallest
27. is the best
28. is older than
29. is heavier than
30. faster than
Write comparative and superlative adjectives
1. clean - cleaner - the cleanest
2. easy - easier - the easiest
3. good - better - the best
4. dirty - dirtier - the dirtiest
5. fat - fatter - the fattest
6. beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful
7. sad - sadder - the saddest
8. flat - flatter - the flattest
9. active - more active - the most active
10. comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable
11. hot - hotter - the hottest
12. happy - happier - the happiest
13. wet - wetter - the wettest
14. narrow - narrower - the narrowest
15. big - bigger - the biggest
16. busy - busier - the busiest
17. noisy - noisier - the noisiest
18. dirty - dirtier - the dirtiest
19. thin - thinner - the thinnest
20. little - less - the least
21. bad - worse - the worst
22. few - fewer - the fewest
23. much - more - the most
24. many - more - most
25. rich - more rich - the most rich