
❗ Put the sentences in the correct order. 1. Doctor Moreau and his people arrived at the island eleven years ago. 2. Doctor Moreau started his experiments with sheep; he wanted to humanise them. 3. The first man made by the doctor was of a negroid type. 4. Moreau was sure that lower animals did not feel pain. 5. While doctor Moreau was telling his story, his voice sounded with sarcasm. 6. It took the doctor a long time to teach the newly made man to understand simple things. 7. It was impossible to believe that animals could talk.

Английский язык



I have always loved LOVED my birthday. In fact, I am a fan of the “Birthday Month”- why limit the special treatment to just a day? The best part about my birthday is that everyone has to do Whatever I Say Because It’s My Birthday. Shockingly, my husband isn’t as big of a fan of my birthday as I am.

Growing up, I had the most fabulous birthday parties. One year, my parents turned our living and dining rooms into a casino. I had a costume party one year (I was a hula girl… a hula girl with a sweat shirt and sweat pants… hey, it’s cold in St. Louis in mid October!). Another year, we went bowling (even with the bumpers I am terrible!).

My mother  is a person  whom I really admire. She is very important for me. She supports me every time I need. She is my best friend. If I have a problem I always tell her about it. She never laughs at me or cries, she always gives me good advice. She is very calm, loving and beautiful. She gives me her love. She  does a lot for  our family. My mother  cooks very nice. She always manages to do everything: to tidy our flat, cook delicious dinner and she always has time for talking to me. I feel cosy next to her. I can’t live without her. She is the dearest person in my life. When I grow up I want to be like her. Моя мама – это тот человек, которым я восхищаюсь. Она очень важна для меня. Она всегда меня поддерживает Она мой лучший друг. Если у меня проблемы, я всегда все ей рассказываю. Она никогда не смеется надо мной и не кричит, она всегда дает хорошие советы. Она спокойная, милая и красивая. Она дает мне свою любовь.  Она много делает для нашей семьи. Она очень хорошо готовит. Она всегда все успевает : и убрать квартиру и приготовить вкусный ужин и всегда у неё найдется время поболтать со мной. Рядом с ней я чувствую себя уютно. Я не могу без неё жить. Она самый дорогой человек в мой жизни. Когда я выросту, я хочу быть похожей на неё.

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❗ Put the sentences in the correct order. 1. Doctor Moreau and his people arrived at the island eleven years ago. 2. Doctor Moreau started his experiments with sheep; he wanted to humanise them. 3. The first man made by the doctor was of a negroid type. 4. Moreau was sure that lower animals did not feel pain. 5. While doctor Moreau was telling his story, his voice sounded with sarcasm. 6. It took the doctor a long time to teach the newly made man to understand simple things. 7. It was impossible to believe that animals could talk.
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