
Complete the sentences with the correct word. The first letter isto help you.1 Have you ever seen a f___ of lightning?2 I can't remember the name of the L___in your area.Can you swim in it?3 Wow! Listen to the noise of that t___. Amazing!4 In winter the noise of that t__ Amazing5 Don't you think the whale is an amazing c__6 During the earthquake theg__opened up right in front of me!7 That's w__ I'm sure I closed the window - but now it's open again.8 Are thunderstorms c_ in your country?​​

Английский язык



перевод я думаю он тебе


the 21st century is all about new technologies and data flow. thus, people have to keep abreast of the times using more and more up–to–date technical equipment like the internet, tablets, laptops, netbooks and, of course, smartphones. today this is the most widespread kind of technology, which is well–known all over the world. it is obvious, that the majority of people can hardly imagine their life without them. while everyone has a bit of a jekyll and hyde, smartphones have their pros and cons.


Всё главное в судьбе человека начинается со школы. Каким ты будешь в школьные годы, таким ты и станешь в последующей жизни. Я учусь в замечательной школе №1 города Абакана. Я уверена, что именно эта школа сможет воспитать и научить. В моей школе самые лучшие учителя. Я думаю, что далеко не каждый человек может впустить к себе в сердце ребёнка, подарить ему любовь, заботу и доброту.

Школе, в которой я учусь, семьдесят лет. Но, мне кажется, что ни одна новая школа не может передать такую доброту и тепло, которые излучают стены моей школы, годами хранящей звонки перемен, громкие возгласы и смех учеников, строгие, но правильные наставления учителей…


All important in the life of man begins at school. How will you in school, and so you'll be in later life. I am in excellent school № 1 in Abakan. I am sure that this is the school can educate and teach. At my school, the best teachers. I think that not everyone can admit to himself in the heart of the child, to give him the love, care and kindness.

School where I study, seventy years. But, it seems to me that no new school can not pass such kindness and warmth that radiate the walls of my school years, stores calls for change, loud cheers and laughter of students, strict, but correct guidance teachers ...

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Complete the sentences with the correct word. The first letter isto help you.1 Have you ever seen a f___ of lightning?2 I can't remember the name of the L___in your area.Can you swim in it?3 Wow! Listen to the noise of that t___. Amazing!4 In winter the noise of that t__ Amazing5 Don't you think the whale is an amazing c__6 During the earthquake theg__opened up right in front of me!7 That's w__ I'm sure I closed the window - but now it's open again.8 Are thunderstorms c_ in your country?​​
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