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Тохитай текст. Постарайся определить, какие слова пропущены.заполни пропуски в тексте, используя слова, приведенные в ранке.KissedlivedafraidvillagepetunderstandA long, long time ago there was a wolf that 0) lived in the woods. It was always hungry.so it went to a 1 nearby and stole food. The people were.. of it.2)One day the wolf saw a gentle and kind old man wearing a black robe. "Come here, Brother Wolf, " he said. The wolf could 3).... him! The old man was sokind, that the wolf sat down at his feet. "Brother Wolf, many people are angry becauseyou steal their food, but if you promise to be good, they will love you, the old man said.The wolf wagged his tail and 4) the old man's hand. After that thewolf became the old man's 5)... and they went to the villagetogether.When the people saw that the wolf wanted to be good, they always gave him food. Thewolf was very happy. Soon the people of the village loved the wolf and they let him goin and out of their houses.ЧАСТЬ 6 – ГРАММАТИКАЗакончи электронное письмо Джанет ее подруге Элме. Поставьглаголы в скобках в нужное время.Dear Emma, Hil How are you? How 0) is (be) your new school? I 1) (write) totell you about my birthday party next week. Can you come? It's next Saturday at eighto'clockTam really excited! I usually 2) .. (have) my party in my living room, but this year I 3) (have) it in the garden! Right now my mum(decorate) the garden and my sister 5) .help) her. My mum usually 6)... . (make) the cake, but this year I7) ...(make) it! I hope everyone 8) --... (like) it!What about you? Please write back soon and 9).-... (tell) meabout your new neighbourhood. Take care!Love, Janet
I go to school.I eat.I am collecting food for winter.I like swim and run.Last summer i was in Moscow.I have book and pencil.I was at the sea in July with my friends.
Отрицательные предложения:
I love my mum and dad!I like swim!I had lunch mum!I bought the food!I went to shop!I went for a walk!I run to the park!
Вопросительные предложения:
What's is your name?How old are you?How are you doing?You have done your homework?Did you go to school?With whom you went out with?What's your pet?