Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Записать слово в той форме, в котором должно стоять в предложении: 1 Whats the ... between basketball and volleyball? (differ) 2 Peter Pan is a very ... character (colour) Выписать 2 лишних слова: 1 Camels have one or and two humps on their backs. The humps are made of the fat. 2 The fat does stores energy. When there is not such much food, the camel lives off the energy from it is humps. Перевести на английский слово в скобках: 1 Star Wars is (такой) an interesting film! 2 Unfortunately he reads too (мало) 3 Mary does not eat cakes, (не так ли)?
1 difference
2 colourful
1 and
2 such
1 such
2 little
3 does he