
Nauryz15Nauryz is a very important holiday for Kazakis. It marks the banning er aber Ycelebrated several days starting on the 21st of March, the day of the spring birdNauryz means 'new day. It is celebrated in the Great Steppes from ancient times.Nauryz symbolizes goodness and wealth, happiness and love and a great friendshup desthis holiday is common to many nationsDuring the Nauryz holiday, large and small cities, villages become festival centers, Iek yuttraditional nomad houses are erected in city centers and rich dastarkhan (tableres landeach of them. Traditional food is Nauryz kozhye, horse meat and barsakTask 1 Answer the questions:1 What does Nauryz symbolize?2 What is traditional food at Nauryz?Task 2 Choose the correct item.3 You must must have a bath. You are so diny!4 He has to doesn't have to get up early tomorrow. His flight is at 6.30 in the morning!5 Have Shall I make you a sandwich?6 Havel May I go out, Miss?Task 3 Write questions and answers with to Be in Past simple was, were)711 at school yesterday? ​

Английский язык



1. Честно говоря, не так уж и часто. Почти всегда я забываю свои сны. Но, некоторые сны мне по особому запоминаются. Вот например кошмары. В последнее время они начали часто снится. Думаю это из-за недосыпа.

2. Во многих случаях мне снятся фантастические существа и миры. По части связанные с фильмами или аниме .

3. Ох да.. Есть один кошмар которого даже сейчас помню. Слава богу они уже не совсем страшны и чувста страха остыли. Этот кошмар был связан с одним фильмом ужасов, которую мне поставили в детстве по случайности. Он был про крыс-людоедов которые вылазили из унитаза. Целых 5 лет я почти что жила в страхе. Возможно, я немного преувеличиваю, но все же это было ужасно.

4. Возможно, но каких либо доказательств и утверждений не могу показать.

5 Нет, не интересуюсь этим.

Английский перевод:

. Honestly, not very often. I almost always forget my dreams. But, some dreams are especially memorable for me. For example, nightmares. Recently, they began to dream often. I think this is due to lack of sleep.

2. In many cases, I dream of fantastic creatures and worlds. Partly related to films or anime.

3. Oh yes .. There is one nightmare which I remember even now. Thank God they are no longer quite scary and the feelings of fear have cooled down. This nightmare was associated with a horror movie that I was staged as a child by chance. It was about cannibalistic rats that climbed out of the toilet. For 5 years, I almost lived in fear. I may be exaggerating a little, but it was still awful.

4.Perhaps, but I cannot show any evidence and statements.

5 No, I'm not interested in this


Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese and Spanish Navigator.

He commanded the expedition, which made the first known around-the-world trip.

Fernando Magellan was born in 1480. Little is known about the family of the Navigator, in particular, that it belonged to the nobility. Besides Fernand, there were four children in the family. Nothing is known about their lives. In his youth, Fernand was the page of Queen Leonora of Avisa. In 1518 he married and had a son who soon died. Ferdinand Magellan was a sailor on the warship. He took part in different battles but he is famous for his travelling adventures. With 5 ships in 1519, he started to go around the world. He opened the Strait, later named after him, becoming the first European, who followed the sea from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. He died in 1521 when he was 40 years old. He was killed by the people from the Philippines during his voyage.


Фердинанд Магеллан португальский и испанский мореплаватель.

Он командовал экспедицией, которая совершила первое известное кругосветное путешествие.   Фернандо Магеллан родился в 1480 году. Мало что известно о семье мореплавателя, в частности, известно о том, что она принадлежала дворянскому роду. Кроме Фердинанда, в семье было четверо детей. Ничего не известно об их жизни. В юности Фернан был пажем королевы Леоноры Ависской. В 1518 году он женился и у него родился сын, который вскоре умер. Фердинанд Магеллан был моряком на военном корабле. Он принимал участие в различных сражениях, но остался известен своими путешествиями. С 5ю кораблями в 1519 году он начал ходить по всему миру. Он открыл пролив, позже названный его именем, и стал первым европейцем, кто по морю из Атлантического океана в Тихий. Он умер в 1521 году, когда ему было 40 лет. Он был убит людьми  одного из Филиппинских островов во время своего путешествия.

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Nauryz15Nauryz is a very important holiday for Kazakis. It marks the banning er aber Ycelebrated several days starting on the 21st of March, the day of the spring birdNauryz means 'new day. It is celebrated in the Great Steppes from ancient times.Nauryz symbolizes goodness and wealth, happiness and love and a great friendshup desthis holiday is common to many nationsDuring the Nauryz holiday, large and small cities, villages become festival centers, Iek yuttraditional nomad houses are erected in city centers and rich dastarkhan (tableres landeach of them. Traditional food is Nauryz kozhye, horse meat and barsakTask 1 Answer the questions:1 What does Nauryz symbolize?2 What is traditional food at Nauryz?Task 2 Choose the correct item.3 You must must have a bath. You are so diny!4 He has to doesn't have to get up early tomorrow. His flight is at 6.30 in the morning!5 Have Shall I make you a sandwich?6 Havel May I go out, Miss?Task 3 Write questions and answers with to Be in Past simple was, were)711 at school yesterday? ​
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