Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
1. Give the second form of the verbs (V2 или Vedto play- to may- to write- to like- to count-to bring-to open- to read- to see- to give- to look to tell-2. Give the first (V1) form of the verbs.nock- were-Wed-answered -gave-danced-wrote- skied- had-was- skated-loved- said- looked- came- saw- wanted-3. Write the V2 или V1 of the verbs.takewerecamehave makebeganplayboughtmeetreadtoldsay iwent4. Translate words in brackets into English. 1. (Неделю назад) we wrote a dictation in English.2. (Позавчера) the children went to the cinema. 3. The boys played football in the yard (вчера). 4. (В воскресенье) I went to the village to see our grandmother. 5. ( 10 лет назад) my grandparents lived in the town of Minsk.5. Make questions to the sentences1. Mike went to England a month ago.a) Who? b) Where? c) When?3. The children stayed at the seaside for two weeks a year ago. a) Who? b) Where? c) When? D) How long? 6) 1. Как образуется утвердительная форма глаголов в Past Simple? 2. Когда мы читаем окончание правильных глаголов[t][d][id] 3. Что происходит с конечной буквой "е" перед окончанием "ed"? 4. При какого вс глагола образуется во форма глаголов в Past Simple? 5. При какого вс глагола образуется отриц. форма Simple?6. Для обозначения каких действий употребляется Past Simple? 7. С какими словами обычно употребляется Past Simple? 7) Глаголы в скобках сделай в времени: 1. I opened the door and (look) inside.2 Who (close) all the windows? - глагол ставим V2.3. I (carry) my mom's shopping bag .4. I (not climb) over the fence.5. I (rip) my shirt.6 The plane (land) ten minutes ago.7 We (live) in that house when I was a baby.8 My brother (not cry) when he fell of his bike. 9 We (walk) to school yesterday.10. She(smile) when she saw me.11. We (hurry) to the station to catch the train.12. She (laugh) when I told her the joke. 13. We (race) each other on our bikes.14. Dad (not help) me with my homework.