5 A Make questions about the Silk Route Tour. B Match answers a)-f) with questions 1-6.
1 What was the coldest place you visited? e) "The mountains in Kyrgyzstan. 'The desert at night. There was snow!'
2 What was the hottest place? a) 'It was Turpan, China. "For me, the Gobi Desert: fifty degrees centigrade!"
3 What was the friendliest/most friendly place? f) 'Iran; the people there were so kind. 'Everywhere, really!
4 What was the farthest distance you travelled in one day? d) 'About 150 kilometres, in western China. 'I don't remember … at least 100 kilometres.
5 What was the most beautiful building you saw? b) The Blue Mosque. I took 100 photos. The Bibi-Khanym Mosque.
6 What was the most amazing experience of the journey? c) 'Meeting locals everywhere. Arriving in Istanbul.
Тадж Махал. Тадж Махал находится в Агре, в Индии. Это одно из восьми чудес современного мира. Дворец сделан из белого мрамора и драгоценных камней. На солнечном свете Тадж Махал переливается различными цветами, такими как розовый, желтый и серый. В центре находится главный купол, который похож на огромную жемчужину и для каждого кто приходит туда, есть четыре минарета. Внутри есть два этажа, на каждом из которых располагается по восемь комнат. Снаружи - великолепный сад с бассейнами. Тадж Махал чудесное здание
1) You must be a real optimist if you think you are going to lend you all this money. 2) They were disappointed by the hotel, which looked better in the brochure. 3) Mark feels that he released his parents, not having passed all the exams. 4) I could not believe my luck when I realized that it was mine. 5) On my first interview, I was asked why I want to work in a clerk. 6) The game was such a sad ending that almost all cried. 7) You can not trust what you read in movie reviews in the press. 8) Vienna is a place for music lovers, and its cafes are famous for their cakes. 9) They say that Martin was sent on a business trip almost every month last year. 10) If you decide to buy a new house, you should buy it with a garden. 11) I have many friends, but they both have now left. 12) Despite the fact that I'm late, I was still the first who came to the party. 13) Bad weather has spoiled everything that we enjoyed the holiday. 14) I'm sorry that I did not show up yesterday, but I attended the meeting on behalf of my boss. 15) Almost every student must take part in the competition on Friday two weeks.
5 A Make questions about the Silk Route Tour. B Match answers a)-f) with questions 1-6.
1 What was the coldest place you visited? e) "The mountains in Kyrgyzstan. 'The desert at night. There was snow!'
2 What was the hottest place? a) 'It was Turpan, China. "For me, the Gobi Desert: fifty degrees centigrade!"
3 What was the friendliest/most friendly place? f) 'Iran; the people there were so kind. 'Everywhere, really!
4 What was the farthest distance you travelled in one day? d) 'About 150 kilometres, in western China. 'I don't remember … at least 100 kilometres.
5 What was the most beautiful building you saw? b) The Blue Mosque. I took 100 photos. The Bibi-Khanym Mosque.
6 What was the most amazing experience of the journey? c) 'Meeting locals everywhere. Arriving in Istanbul.