
Write negative sentences with full verb forms. Don't use full stops, they are given. 1. Kate is sitting near the table at the moment. . 2. Sam is discussing problems at the moment. . 3. She is talking to parents now.

Английский язык


England is the biggest part of the United Kingdom. Its area is more than 130 thousand square kilometers. The population of England is about 47 million people. The country is washed by the English Channel, the Irish Sea and the North Sea. There are a lot of rivers in England. The most important of them are: the Thames, the Trent, the Mersey.
The climate of England is temperate. Everybody knows about rains in England.

There are many trees and plants in the country. You can find chestnuts, oaks, fir-trees and limes here. There are 10 national parks in England.

Many animals live in England. They are: squirrels, foxes, hears. Also there are a lot of birdss in parks and fish in lakes and rivers.
В Англии много животных. Это белки, лисы, зайцы. Также в парках много птиц, а в озерах и реках рыбы.
London is the capital of England and one of the largest cities. Other big cities are Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester.

England is an industrial country. The main industries are shipbuilding, electronics, pharmaceutics, textile.

Agriculture is important for the country as well. People grow different berries, fruits, vegetables, grain crops and mushrooms.

People can travel by different vehicles in England. For international trips they use planes. As for public transportation there are: trains, cars, taxis (black cabs), the Tube and buses (double-deckers).

English national emblem is rose.
Английская национальная эмблема – Роза.
Saint George is the patron of England. The flag of Saint George is a red cross and horizontal stripes on a white background.

English people are very polite, neat and disciplined.. They love their homes, pets and comfort.

There were many famous poets and writers from England: Arthur Conan Doyle, Daniel Defoe, Herbert George Wells, Jonathan Swift, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens.
Viele Stadtbewohner träumen davon, ihren Urlaub im Dorf zu verbringen, weg von dieser Hektik und ihren Sorgen. Unsere Familie ist keine Ausnahme davon, also Vaters Urlaub und meine Ferien haben wir bei unserer Großmutter im Dorf verbracht. Uns hat dort sehr gefallen. Dort gibt es reine Luft, anderes Wasser aus einer natürlichen Quelle, viele Tiere und keine Maschinen. Da ist eine wahre Ruhe, wohin ich direkt nach der lauten Schule gekommen bin. Zunächst war das für mich so ungewöhnlich, aber dann habe ich mich dort so eingelebt, dass ich überhaupt abreisen nicht möchte.

Многие жители крупных
городов мечтают свой отпуск провести в деревне, вдали от суеты и забот. Наша семья – не исключение, поэтому папин отпуск и мои каникулы мы провели у бабушки в деревне. Нам тут очень понравилось. Здесь чистый воздух, другая вода из природного источника, много домашних животных и никаких машин. Вот настоящая тишина, куда я попал сразу после шумной школы. Вначале мне было непривычно, но потом я так освоился здесь, что вообще не хотел уезжать.

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Write negative sentences with full verb forms. Don't use full stops, they are given. 1. Kate is sitting near the table at the moment. . 2. Sam is discussing problems at the moment. . 3. She is talking to parents now.
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