
ПОМАГИТЕ очень сильно вас прочитайте статью и дополните её причастиями времени из списка Based designed inhabited inspired owned photographed transformed used welcomedThe castle has been (1) owned by the Carnarvon family since 1679, and the Earl and Countess Carnarvon currently live there. In 2010, film director Julian Fellowes, a close friend of the family, was planning a new TV series about an aristocratic family and their servants during the early 20th century. While he was staying at Highclere Castle, he realized that it would be the perfect place to set his historical drama, and the castle was (2) into Downton Abbey, the home of the fictional Crawley family. The series was a huge success and it has been sold all over the world. Both the interior and exterior scenes were shot in and around the castle itse. In the second TV series the castle is used as a hospital during the First World War. These scenes are (3) on a real-life event. In 1914, Lady Almina Carnarvon allowed soldiers who had been wounded to be looked after in the castle.Go thereHighclere Castle and gardens are open to the public during the Easter and summer holidays, and on many Sundays and public holidays from 10.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Visit the Egyptian Gallery which contains many objects brought back from his travels by Lady Almina’s husband, the fifth Earl of Carnarvon, who famously discovered the tomb of the young Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Cortlandt Alley New York, USAIn Hollywood’s version of New York City, the giant metropolis is full of secret alleys where crimes take place, and criminals are chased by the police. In fact there are hardly any alleys in New York today at all. One of the few remaining ones, Cortlandt Alley, has been (4) for almost all the alley scenes in films and TV series that are set in New York. Films with scenes that were shot there include Crocodile Dundee and Men in Black 3, and TV series like Blue Bloods, Boardwalk Empire, NYPD Blue, and Law & Order.Go thereThousands of tourists want to be (5) in Cortlandt Alley. It is on the edge of Chinatown, in Manhattan, between Franklin Street and Canal Street. In fact it is a perfectly safe place to visit. In real life, it is not (6)by gangsters, but is the home for perfectly respectable businesses such as the New York Table Tennis Federation Training Center.Christ Church College Oxford, UKThis wonderful 16th century college, with a spectacular tower, which was (7) by the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren, has an important connection with children’s literature. It was at Christ Church that Charles Dodgson, professor of mathematics, first met the children of the Dean (the head of the College He used to tell them stories, and was (8) by one of the girls, Alice, to write Alice in Wonderland, in 1865, under the pen-name of Lewis Carroll. Many years later, Christ Church was used as the setting for several film adaptations of some other famous children’s books, the Harry Potter novels. The first time Harry and his friends enter Hogwarts, they walk up the Christ Church staircase where Professor McGonagall is waiting for them at the top. The dining room in Hogwarts is the Christ Church Dining Hall. It could not be used for filming, because it was being used by students at the time, so it was recreated in a studio.Go thereVisitors are (9) throughout the year. However, as the college is a working academic institution, some areas may occasionally be closed to the public. ​

Английский язык




1)Great Britain is situated on islands.

2) People often say that it rains all the  time in Britain.

3) But in the west of Britain it is rainier than in the east.

4)Winters in Britain are not very cold. It snows but you can't often see snow in the  streets of the British cities.

5)Summers are not very hot. It is usually sunnier and warmer in the south than in the

6)Britain is famous for fogs.

7) They  often say that Britain doesn't have a climate, it has weather.

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Я обожаю игры с мячом, а больше всего люблю футбол. Это очень интересная игра, полная азарта. Она пришла к нам из Англии, хотя еще в Древнем Египте и у индейцев майя были похожие игры с мячом. Сегодня футбол — самая распространенный вид спорта в мире. Миллионы людей занимаются им в свободное время, а поистине миллиарды смотрят мировые чемпионаты. Профессиональные игроки, звезды футбола, стали кумирами целых народов. Можно назвать Диего Марадону, Паоло Мальдини, Рональдо, Зинедина Зидана, Андрея Арашавина, Андрея Шевченко.

Этот вид спорта развивает скорость, сообразительность, точность реакции и выносливость. Футболисты очень закаленные люди, ведь они гоняют мяч на свежем воздухе с ранней весны до поздней осени. Футбол является командной игрой и развивает сплоченность и командный дух. А больше всего меня привлекает непревзойденный азарт этой игры!

Я слежу за российскими и мировыми чемпионатами по футболу. Еще надеюсь, что когда-нибудь чемпионат Европы, будет принимать Россия, как в этом году Украина. Конечно, я всей душой желал, что на Евро-2012 наша сборная выйдет хотя бы в четвертьфинал. Но, увы...

Я сам тоже играю в футбол. С весны до осени мы гоняем мяч на спортплощадке и школьном стадионе. А зимой я занимаюсь футболом в крытом зале спортивного комплекса.

Моя любимая футбольная команда — питерский «Зенит», а в Европе — английский "Арсенал", итальянский «Милан». Еще я болею за украинский «Шахтер». Я еще не побывал на больших стадионах и на знаменательных матчах. Ходил только болеть за нашу местную команду, которая играет во втором дивизионе первенства страны. Но когда я вырасту, то обязательно поеду на серьезный чемпионат и увижу игру футболистов высокого класса.


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ПОМАГИТЕ очень сильно вас прочитайте статью и дополните её причастиями времени из списка Based designed inhabited inspired owned photographed transformed used welcomedThe castle has been (1) owned by the Carnarvon family since 1679, and the Earl and Countess Carnarvon currently live there. In 2010, film director Julian Fellowes, a close friend of the family, was planning a new TV series about an aristocratic family and their servants during the early 20th century. While he was staying at Highclere Castle, he realized that it would be the perfect place to set his historical drama, and the castle was (2) into Downton Abbey, the home of the fictional Crawley family. The series was a huge success and it has been sold all over the world. Both the interior and exterior scenes were shot in and around the castle itse. In the second TV series the castle is used as a hospital during the First World War. These scenes are (3) on a real-life event. In 1914, Lady Almina Carnarvon allowed soldiers who had been wounded to be looked after in the castle.Go thereHighclere Castle and gardens are open to the public during the Easter and summer holidays, and on many Sundays and public holidays from 10.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Visit the Egyptian Gallery which contains many objects brought back from his travels by Lady Almina’s husband, the fifth Earl of Carnarvon, who famously discovered the tomb of the young Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Cortlandt Alley New York, USAIn Hollywood’s version of New York City, the giant metropolis is full of secret alleys where crimes take place, and criminals are chased by the police. In fact there are hardly any alleys in New York today at all. One of the few remaining ones, Cortlandt Alley, has been (4) for almost all the alley scenes in films and TV series that are set in New York. Films with scenes that were shot there include Crocodile Dundee and Men in Black 3, and TV series like Blue Bloods, Boardwalk Empire, NYPD Blue, and Law & Order.Go thereThousands of tourists want to be (5) in Cortlandt Alley. It is on the edge of Chinatown, in Manhattan, between Franklin Street and Canal Street. In fact it is a perfectly safe place to visit. In real life, it is not (6)by gangsters, but is the home for perfectly respectable businesses such as the New York Table Tennis Federation Training Center.Christ Church College Oxford, UKThis wonderful 16th century college, with a spectacular tower, which was (7) by the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren, has an important connection with children’s literature. It was at Christ Church that Charles Dodgson, professor of mathematics, first met the children of the Dean (the head of the College He used to tell them stories, and was (8) by one of the girls, Alice, to write Alice in Wonderland, in 1865, under the pen-name of Lewis Carroll. Many years later, Christ Church was used as the setting for several film adaptations of some other famous children’s books, the Harry Potter novels. The first time Harry and his friends enter Hogwarts, they walk up the Christ Church staircase where Professor McGonagall is waiting for them at the top. The dining room in Hogwarts is the Christ Church Dining Hall. It could not be used for filming, because it was being used by students at the time, so it was recreated in a studio.Go thereVisitors are (9) throughout the year. However, as the college is a working academic institution, some areas may occasionally be closed to the public. ​
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