
5 утверждений к тексту( правда, ложь, не указано в тексте)I Many ocean creatures, such as whales, seals, sea lions and dolphins, experience their whole world through sound. Whales, for example, use low-frequency sound waves to keep track of each other, tell others where food is available, and find each other to breed. Whales that are sometimes hundreds or even thousands of kilometres away must listen very carefully to hear the faint sounds of these 'whale songs'.I Unfortunately, in the last one hundred years, humans have begun flooding the oceans with noise, from off-shore oil drilling and the use of explosives for underwater mining, to shipping traffic and military operations. In fact, the ocean is ten times noisier than it was in 1960! As a result, sea creatures can no longer hear and communicate with each other. A blue whale born in 1940, for example, was able to hear sounds from up to 1, 000 miles away. Today, this 'hearing bubble' has been reduced to only 100 miles, making it much harder for it to locate a mate. Evidence is also growing that sound blasts from military sonar are so intense that they cause bleeding of the eyes, ears and organs in whales and dolphins. Some also suspect that noise, even if it is quieter than the engine of an average motorboat, can cause whales and other mammals to swim miles away from breeding or feeding grounds, or even to become stranded.I So, can anything be done about this? Well, environmentalists are currently campaigning for ships and oil companies to move away from areas where there are a lot of sea mammals. They also believe that there should be laws or at least international agreements to control noise levels at sea. However, they certainly haven't got an easy job! Many people don't even believe, or don't want to believe, that ocean noise can have such a drastic effect on animals.

Английский язык



1. Leaving school, boys and girls choose different educational establishments to get a profession.

2. Mike studies at the economical faculty.

3. Students take exams or credit-tests at the end of each term.

4. You should do sports in this sporting club, it is rather well-equipped.

5. There is a hostel for students from the countryside.

6. I make a research (исследование) for my scientific work.

7. I am good at tennis, and I am going to take part in the tennis tournament.

8. My sister masters a profession of a medical worker in the college.


1. Окончив школу, мальчики и девочки выбирают разные учебные заведения, чтобы получить профессию.

2. Майк учится на экономическом факультете.

3. Студенты сдают экзамены или зачеты в конце каждого семестра.

4. Вам следует заниматься спортом в этом спортивном клубе, он достаточно хорошо оборудован.

5. Есть общежитие для студентов из сельской местности.

6. Я провожу исследование  для своей научной работы.

7. Я хорошо играю в теннис, и собираюсь принять участие в теннисном турнире.

8. Моя сестра осваивает профессию медицинского работника в колледже.

Every family should have a child who is obliged to help his parents around the house. But many children are dissatisfied with this and prefer to sit in a computer, smartphone, rather than help their mother with cleaning.

I believe that every family should reach mutual understanding through unification. The main thing is the desire to do something, to help someone else, and there is no sense in being forced by someone.

As for me, I also have a sufficient number of household duties, like the rest of my family.
Also, I often clean my room. I wipe the dust off the bookshelves, wash the floors, put things in the right places. But I try not to litter, to put everything in its place at once, so there is always order in my room.

Я надеюсь такое подойдёт :)
Перевод :

В каждой семье должен быть ребенок, который обязан родителям по дому. Но многие дети этим недовольны и предпочитают сидеть за компьютером, смартфоном, а не маме с уборкой.

Я считаю, что каждая семья должна достичь взаимопонимания через объединение. Главное - это желание что-то сделать кому-то другому, и нет смысла быть кем-то принужденным.

Что касается меня, то у меня тоже есть достаточное количество домашних обязанностей, как и у остальных членов моей семьи.
Кроме того, я часто убираю свою комнату. Я вытираю пыль с книжных полок, мою полы, раскладываю вещи по нужным местам. Но я стараюсь не мусорить, сразу расставлять все по своим местам, поэтому в моей комнате всегда порядок.

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5 утверждений к тексту( правда, ложь, не указано в тексте)I Many ocean creatures, such as whales, seals, sea lions and dolphins, experience their whole world through sound. Whales, for example, use low-frequency sound waves to keep track of each other, tell others where food is available, and find each other to breed. Whales that are sometimes hundreds or even thousands of kilometres away must listen very carefully to hear the faint sounds of these 'whale songs'.I Unfortunately, in the last one hundred years, humans have begun flooding the oceans with noise, from off-shore oil drilling and the use of explosives for underwater mining, to shipping traffic and military operations. In fact, the ocean is ten times noisier than it was in 1960! As a result, sea creatures can no longer hear and communicate with each other. A blue whale born in 1940, for example, was able to hear sounds from up to 1, 000 miles away. Today, this 'hearing bubble' has been reduced to only 100 miles, making it much harder for it to locate a mate. Evidence is also growing that sound blasts from military sonar are so intense that they cause bleeding of the eyes, ears and organs in whales and dolphins. Some also suspect that noise, even if it is quieter than the engine of an average motorboat, can cause whales and other mammals to swim miles away from breeding or feeding grounds, or even to become stranded.I So, can anything be done about this? Well, environmentalists are currently campaigning for ships and oil companies to move away from areas where there are a lot of sea mammals. They also believe that there should be laws or at least international agreements to control noise levels at sea. However, they certainly haven't got an easy job! Many people don't even believe, or don't want to believe, that ocean noise can have such a drastic effect on animals.
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