1) If Felix had been here I would have seen him. 2) Michael would not agree even if you asked him. 3) If they had mentioned this yesterday, everything would have been done. 4) If I find that letter, I’ll show it to you. 5) If I meet him, I will invite him. 6) Would they come if we invited them? 7) The boss will be very disappointed if you aren’t at the meeting tomorrow. 8) The teacher said, “I’ll begin the lesson as soon as Jack stops talking.” 9) The old gentleman doesn’t go out in winter. He will go out if the weather gets warmer. 10) She’s flying to Cairo tomorrow. She’ll send her family a telegram providing she arrives with a delay.
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7.Переведите на английский язык(НЕ В ПЕРЕВОДЧИКЕ)Петя стал учиться хуже, чем обычно. 0н решил, что ему нужно больше заниматься спортом и сбросить лишний вес. Это для него очень полезно, но недостаточно. Тогда он решил купить витамины, так как до свежих фруктов и овощей было еще далеко. И, наконец, он взялся за учебу и постарался наверстать упущенное. Витамины ему очень
ответ:Petya began to study worse than usual. He decided that he needed to exercise more and lose weight. This is very useful for him, but not enough. Then he decided to buy vitamins, since fresh fruits and vegetables were still far away. Finally, he took up his studies and tried to make up for lost time. The vitamins helped him a lot.