
Task 5. Complete each sentence with a form of “do”, “make” or “take”. 1. Have you Exercise Three yet? 2. I can't come this afternoon. I'm an English exam. 3. Jack has very well this term. 4. I'm afraid that you haven't any progress. 5. Sue didn't know the answer, so she a guess. 6. You all look tired. Let's a break. 7. This is a good composition, but you have a lot of mistakes. 8. I think you should yourself more seriously. 9. The teacher gave a lecture, and the cl ass notes. 10. Paul finds maths difficult, but he his best.

Английский язык


Kuzina Sergeevna

1. done

2. taking

3. done

4. made

5. took

6. take

7. made

8. take

9. took

10. does


у меня довольно много любимых вещей, они мне так дороги. Но одна из самых удивительных вещей для

меня-это мой смартфон. Он черный и не такой большой. Я могу делать с ним все, что захочу. Например, я могу

написать своим друзьям, а также позвонить им. Я так рада, что у меня есть этот мобильный телефон, потому что это одна

из моих удивительных игрушек. Я часто скачиваю фильмы на нем и смотрю их. Он также делает хорошие фотографии, и я могу

играть в игры на нем. Я так рада, что он у меня есть!

Мобильный телефон

Бена Верных ответов: 3

делает хорошие фотографии

имеет много функций

черный и большой

хорошо подходит для просмотра фильмов

не подходит для игр​

1) I was at home all day yesterday
They left London
We were very surprised
He was full of energy
I decided to join a fitness club

2) We are reading a book at our lesson now.
He is painting a landscape in his room.
My mother is busy. she is cooking dinner for our family.
Look! They are dancing in the yard.
I can*t speak to you now, I am going to school

3) We have bought a new TV set.
The students have left the room. The train has just arrived.
She hasn't written the test yet.
I have known him for years.
He has written about a hundred novels

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Task 5. Complete each sentence with a form of “do”, “make” or “take”. 1. Have you Exercise Three yet? 2. I can't come this afternoon. I'm an English exam. 3. Jack has very well this term. 4. I'm afraid that you haven't any progress. 5. Sue didn't know the answer, so she a guess. 6. You all look tired. Let's a break. 7. This is a good composition, but you have a lot of mistakes. 8. I think you should yourself more seriously. 9. The teacher gave a lecture, and the cl ass notes. 10. Paul finds maths difficult, but he his best.
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