"As soon as you see him, give him my telephone number", Henry said to me. - Henry said to me that as soon as he saw him, gave him his telephone number.
"I'll just step out the door for a minute", Julia said. - Julia said that she would just step out the door for a minute.
"We are going to have dinner", my mother said to me. - His mother said to him that they were going to have dinner.
"She has made great progress in her English", her teacher said. - Her said that she had made great progress in her English.
"I will be glad to help you, don't mind", Joe said to Polly. - Joe said to Polly that she would be glad to help her, didn't mind.
Robert said: "Nobody has mentioned about it". - Robert said that nobody had mentioned about it.
"I can't stay here", he said. - He said that he couldn't stay here.
"We are playing a boring game", his children said.- His children said that they were playing a boring game.
"Be a good boy and be careful", his father said. - His father said that he was a good boy and was careful.
"If I go back my parents will not let me go out", the boy said to his friends.- The boy said to his friends that if he went back his parents would not let him go out.
"I think you don't know anything about it", Victor said. - Victor said that he thought him didn't know anything about it.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
ОЧЕНЬ В каждом предложении выделить союз, подчеркнуть сказуемое, подписать временную форму. First ConditionalRead the sentences, open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form. Example: We (leave) the village when the storm (be) over. We will leave (F.S.) the village when the storm is (Pr. S.) over.1. If the weather (be) fine, we probably (go) outside.2. As soon as he (return) home, l immediately (ask) him to help.3. On my way home I (meet) villages and towns, if I (chose) this way.4. If there (be) a heavy storm tomorrow, we (not visit) granny.5. When I (become) a student, I (study) hard.6. You (not get) these letters, if you (not go) to the post office.7. I (move) to Brighton when the snow (stop) falling.
1. The (превосходная степень)
2. An (один из многих; начинается с гласной)
3. Всё правильно скопировано? Чего-то тут не хватает
4. The (говорится про вид - роза)
5. An (без контекста; начинается с гласной)
6. - (tea подразумевает массу, а не отдельную штуку
7. An (один из многих; начинается с гласной)
8. (Bought) An (umbrella) (один из многих, вне контекста; начинается с гласной)
9. Здесь, кажется, уже вставлено?
10. An (без контекста, одно из многих; тем более, что это входит в пословицу)
11. A cat and a dog (вне контекста)
12. The (cake) (один единственный: он указан)
13. A (в предложении сказано, что их много!)
14. The (был контекст, он упомянается)
15. The (говорится о конкретной церкви)
16. Предложение неоконченное, а так -
17. Так, странное предложение... Первая часть: an/the (истолкуйте как угодно; контекст либо относится к обоим, либо только к другому), the (дан контекст); а это... Часть 16-го, что-ли?