
Read and translate the following sentences. Pay particular attention to the tense form of the predicate and to the prepositions in bold type. 1) You are being looked for. Go home. 2) The speaker was being listened to very attentively and nobody noticed me. 3) The new exhibition is being talked about a lot. 4) She can’t dance when she is being looked at. 5) I was asked what was being built in that street. 6) He suddenly realized that he was being laughed at. 7) When she entered the classroom, the last students were being examined there. 8) He knew he was being watched. 9) The mail is being looked through. There may be something for you there too. 9) The examination papers are being checked at the moment. 10) I don’t have my car today because it is being repaired. 11) When I came to Leningrad in 1957, the first underground line was still being built. 12) Are they ready with the parcel? – No, it is still being packed. 13) A new railway line is being constructed across the desert now.

Английский язык



Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Обратите особое внимание на напряженную форму предиката и на предлоги, выделенные жирным шрифтом.

1) Вас ищут. Идти домой. 2) Оратора слушали очень внимательно, и меня никто не заметил. 3) О новой выставке много говорят. 4) Она не умеет танцевать, когда на нее смотрят. 5) Меня с что строится на этой улице. 6) Он вдруг понял, что над ним смеются. 7) Когда она вошла в класс, последние ученики осматривались там. 8) Он знал, что за ним следят. 9) Почта Там тоже может быть что-то для тебя. 9) В настоящее время экзаменационные работы проверяются. 10) У меня сегодня нет машины, потому что она ремонтируется. 11) Когда я приехал в Ленинград в 1957 году, первая линия метро все еще строилась. 12) Готовы ли они с посылкой? - Нет, это все еще упаковывается. 13) Новая железнодорожная линия строится через пустыню.



1. Usually the students were examined in room 41.

2. At the Institute the students were taught many different subjects.

3. The academic year was divided into two terms.

4. The children of Sparta were given a military education.

5. In Athens special attention was paid to reading, writing and literature.

6. The boy was told to be back at home at 6 o'clock.

7. This road was built last year.

8. The electric lamp was invented by Yablochkov.

9. The telegram was sent yesterday.

10. This building was completed last week.

11. A new library was opened in our district last month.


1. Usually the students are examined in room 41.

2. At the Institute the students are taught many different subjects.

3. The academic year is divided into two terms.

4. The children of Sparta are given a military education.

5. In Athens special attention is paid to reading, writing and literature.

6. The boy is told to be back at home at 6 o'clock.

7. This road is built.

8. The electric lamp is invented by Yablochkov.

9. The telegram is sent.

10. This building is completed.

11. A new library is opened in our district .


1. The students will be examined in room 41.

2. At the Institute the students will be taught many different subjects.

3. The academic year will be divided into two terms.

4. The children of Sparta will be given a military education.

5. In Athens special attention will be paid to reading, writing and literature.

6. The boy will be told to be back at home at 6 o'clock.

7. This road will be built next year.

8. The electric lamp will be invented by Yablochkov.

9. The telegram will be sent tomorrow.

10. This building will be completed very soon.

11. A new library will be opened in our district next week

Dear Darren, First of all, we were went to did a lot of sightseeing, we were went to saw the Kremlin, Red Square, St. Basil's Church, Lenin's Tomb, the Pushkin Museum. Dad was also went to took us to the famous Bolshoi Ballet Theatre. Isn't it wonderful? My sister wanted to went on a day trip down the Moskva River but Dad said it was too tiring, so we weren't go to travelled there. That was OK, though because we were went to spend a whole day in the Moscow Zoo, the largest zoo in Russia which had a great collection of animals and exotic species.
в некоторых местах не уверенна, что правильно. но в целом все правильно.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Read and translate the following sentences. Pay particular attention to the tense form of the predicate and to the prepositions in bold type. 1) You are being looked for. Go home. 2) The speaker was being listened to very attentively and nobody noticed me. 3) The new exhibition is being talked about a lot. 4) She can’t dance when she is being looked at. 5) I was asked what was being built in that street. 6) He suddenly realized that he was being laughed at. 7) When she entered the classroom, the last students were being examined there. 8) He knew he was being watched. 9) The mail is being looked through. There may be something for you there too. 9) The examination papers are being checked at the moment. 10) I don’t have my car today because it is being repaired. 11) When I came to Leningrad in 1957, the first underground line was still being built. 12) Are they ready with the parcel? – No, it is still being packed. 13) A new railway line is being constructed across the desert now.
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