
Cтавьте пропущенные слова:graphics, interactive, video games, consoles multiplayer. В текст который находится ниже: There are games you play on video (1) … such as Nintendo, Sega, and the PlayStation. And there are games you play on a computer, either alone or at multiplayer online sites such as Microsoft's Internet Gaming Zone and (2) … have been made into films, such as ‘Mortal Kombat’ 1and 2, and film stars now sometimes appear in video games. The (3) … in many games have taken on such a high degree of realism that they almost seem like film. The ‘X-Files’game was practically an (4) … movie, full of actors from the show and sections of dialogue and video. Some people claim that the ‘Blade Runner’video game was better than the movie - not only were the sets incredible but you also got to control the action and the ending. (5) … online gaming is the next wave in the video game world. It provides a better gaming experience, simply because people are more creative and more challenging adversaries than computers. Thousands of people can play simultaneously all over the world.

Английский язык




2video games






Лиса и Журавль

Когда-то давным –давно Лиса и Журавль были близкими друзьями. Однажды Лиса пригласила Журавля на обед и сказала ему:

-Приходи, дружок! Приходи, дорогой! Угощу тебя от души!

Пришел Журавль к Лисе на обед. Лиса приготовила манную кашу и размазала ее по тарелке. Подает ее на стол да гостя потчует.

- Угощайся вкусным обедом, куманек. Это я сама приготовила!

Журавль клювом тук-тук своим клювом, стучал-стучал – но ни крошки угощения подобрать не мог. А Лиса тарелку облизывала, пока всю кашу не съела.

Когда каша закончилась, Лиса и говорит:

- Не обижайся, дружок. Нечем больше тебя угостить.

- И на этом , дорогая, - отвечает Журавль. – Теперь твоя очередь ко мне в гости приходить.

Назавтра пришла Лиса, а Журавль приготовил окрошку, налил ее в высокий кувшин с узким горлом и Лису потчует:

-Угощайся вкусным обедом, дорогая кума. Право, нечего больше тебе предложить.

Лиса крутится вокруг кувшина, и лизнет, и понюхает, но даже капли супа не смогла достать. Не лезет голова в кувшин.

Тем временем Журавль своим длинным клювом весь суп и выхлебал. Когда съел все, то и говорит Лисе:

- Не обижайся, дорогая. Нечем больше тебя угостить.

Лиса очень рассердилась, ведь хотела наесться на неделю вперед. Так и ушла несолоно хлебавши.

Как аукнется, так и откликнется! И с тех пор Лиса и Журавль больше не дружат.

The Fox and The Crane

It was long, long ago when the Fox and the Crane were close friends. One fine day the Fox invited the Crane to dinner with her and said to him:

«Come, buddy! Come, my dear! I’ll treat you heartily!”

And so the Crane came to the Fox for the dinner party. The Fox had cooked semolina for the dinner and smeared it over the plate. Then she served it and treated her guest.

“Help yourself to tasty dinner, my dear godfather. That was me who cooked it!”

The Crane went peck-peck with his beak, knocked and knocked but couldn’t pick even a bit of fare. The Fox kept licking the cereal until she had eaten it all.

When there’s no cereal at all, the Fox said,

«Don’t feel offended, buddy. There’s nothing more to treat you”.

«And thanks hereon, dear,” the Crane said, “now it’s your turn to visit me”.

Next day the Fox came, and the Crane made okroshka and poured in into a tall pitcher with a narrow neck and treated the fox.

“Help yourself to tasty dinner, my dear godmother. Honestly, there’s nothing more to entertain you”.

The Fox spinned around the pitcher and licked it and sniffed it but couldn’t extract even a drop of the soup. Her head wouldn’t fit the pitcher at all.

Meanwhile the Crane sucked the soup with his long bill. When everything had been eaten, he said to the Fox,

«Don’t feel offended, dear. There’s nothing more to treat you”.

The Fox got very angry as she hoped to be full up for the whole week along. So she left empty-handed.

And that was a tit for tat! So, the Fox and the Crane hadn’t been friends anymore since then.


Forest fires are large uncontrolled fires that take place in the forest. Some of the fiercest fires occur in the forest because there is so much fuel (trees) to burn. Forest fires are a type of wildfire. Other types of wildfires include grass fires, brush fires, and hill fires.


The major cause of forest fires is human activities. This can be carelessness such as not putting out a campfire or dropping a lit cigarette. It may also be arson, which is setting a fire on purpose and is against the law. Around 80% of forest fires are caused by humans. Most fires that are started by natural causes are started by lightning. Other natural causes include volcanic eruptions and sparks from falling


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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Cтавьте пропущенные слова:graphics, interactive, video games, consoles multiplayer. В текст который находится ниже: There are games you play on video (1) … such as Nintendo, Sega, and the PlayStation. And there are games you play on a computer, either alone or at multiplayer online sites such as Microsoft's Internet Gaming Zone and (2) … have been made into films, such as ‘Mortal Kombat’ 1and 2, and film stars now sometimes appear in video games. The (3) … in many games have taken on such a high degree of realism that they almost seem like film. The ‘X-Files’game was practically an (4) … movie, full of actors from the show and sections of dialogue and video. Some people claim that the ‘Blade Runner’video game was better than the movie - not only were the sets incredible but you also got to control the action and the ending. (5) … online gaming is the next wave in the video game world. It provides a better gaming experience, simply because people are more creative and more challenging adversaries than computers. Thousands of people can play simultaneously all over the world.
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