English is spoken here. – Здесь говорят на английском.
Past Simple Passive
I was invited. – Я был приглашён.
Вопросительное предложение: Was he invited? – Он был приглашён?
Отрицательное предложение: He was not (wasn’t) invited. – Он не был приглашён.
They were not (weren’t) invited. –Они не были приглашены.
You will be invited. – Вас пригласят (вы будете приглашены).
Вопросительное предложение: Will you be invited? – Вы будете приглашены? (Вас пригласят?)
Отрицательное предложение: You will not (won’t) be invited. – Вы не будете приглашены. (Вас не пригласят)
The bedrooms have already been furnished. — Комнаты уже обставили новой мебелью.
The dinner has been paid for. — Ужин оплатили.
-Present Continuous Passive1. Where is Canada situated?
Canada is situated on the north of Northern America.
2 Is Canada rich in natural resources? Yes,it is.
3 How many provinces are there in Canada? There are ten provinces in Canada.
4 What is the highest Canadian point? The highest Canadian point is Mount Logan 5,959 m.
5 What is the population of Canada? The population of Canada is about 32 million people.
6 What is the capital of Canada? The capital of Canada is Ottawa.
7 What are the official languages in Canada? There are two state languages - English and French.
8 What is the climate in the country? The climate of Canada varies from temperate to subarctic and arctic.
9 Is Canada a trading nation? Yes,it is.
10 What is the political system of Canada? Canada is a constitutional monarchy, a federal state and parliamentary democracy.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
тесту 5 класса:Тесты по английскому языку для 5 классаTest 11. How old……Mark?-He is 11 years old.a) are b) is c) am d) has2. Students……..a test now.a) is writing b)are writing c)write d)wrote3. . ….. Mary got any brothers or sisters?-Yes, she has got one brother.a) Have b)Is c)Has d)Did4. ……..you watch TV last night?-Yes.a) Do b) Does c)Did d)Was5. What…..Nick look like?a) does b)is c)am d)was6. We can buy flowers at……..a)baker’s b)florist’s c)newsagent’s d)chemist’s7. Jane…..in America.a) is living b)live c)lives d)am living8. …….Peter at home yesterday?-Yes, he was ill.a) Were b)Was c)Is d)Did9. Steve …..to school every day.a) go b)will go c)is going d)goes10. Did Mike go to the dentist……?a) today b)now c)yesterday d)usually11. ……you like peacocks?-Yes, I do.a) Do b)Does c)Did d)Have12. Sam ……his leg last week.a)broke b)break c)did break d)broken
1 d/b
2 b
3 b
4 a
5 a
6 b
7 a/c
8 b
9 a
10 a
11 a
12 b