Sergei Gaishun

Underline all the verbs. Point out notional, auxiliary, modal, and link verbs. She went into the drawing-room and lighted the fire; than, picking up the cushions, one by one, that Mary had disposed so carefully, she threw them back onto the chairs and the couches. That made all the difference; the room came alive at once. As she was about to throw the last one she surprised herself by suddenly hugging it to her, passionately. But it did not put out the fire in her bosom. Oh, on the contrary! The windows of the drawing-room opened onto a balcony over-looking the garden. At the far end, against the wall, there was a tall, slender pear tree in fullest, richest bloom; it stood perfect, as though becalmed against the jade-green sky. Bertha couldn’t help feeling, even from this distance, that it had not a single bud or a faded petal. Down below, in the garden beds, the red and yellow tulips, heavy with flowers, seemed to lean upon the dusk. A grey cat, dragging its belly, crept across the lawn, and a black one, its shadow, trailed after. The sight of them, so intent and so quick, gave Bertha a curious shiver. Really — really — she had everything. She was young. Harry and she were as much in love as ever, and they got on together splendidly. She had an adorable baby. They didn’t have to worry about money. They had this absolutely satisfactory house and garden.

Английский язык



1 He was overwhelmed BY/WITH the amount OF paperwork

2 He went ON leave.

3 She was scared OF her new duties.

4 The people IN charge need to coordinate recruits.

5 This is a situation when I don't know how to carry ON my tasks.

6 People can't work well UNDER pressure.

7 Why are you interested in a career IN this field?

8 I am working ON a project to produce a new device next year.

9 We work IN the fashion business.

10 I have a good relationship WITH my boss

11 I manage a team OF 5 people  

12 We have 20,000 employees in our company

13 I work AS a sales manager  

14 We import clothes and cosmetics FROM China


Два предлога из 16 остались невостребованными. Чтобы знать куда их вставить, нужно иметь фото задания.

Dear Olga.
I live 3 days in Paris. Here very much it to be pleasant to me. Last night I was about the Eiffel Tower and saw as fires light up on it, it was fine. Tomorrow I will go to a museum of innovative technologies on an exhibition. I very much liked the Triumphal Arch. It simply strikes with the sizes. In 5 days I will go to the Disneyland, I there like be pleasant. As I hope to visit the Pantheon and the Palace of Burbons. In 2 weeks I go to Rome and I will write to you as soon as I will be able.

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Underline all the verbs. Point out notional, auxiliary, modal, and link verbs. She went into the drawing-room and lighted the fire; than, picking up the cushions, one by one, that Mary had disposed so carefully, she threw them back onto the chairs and the couches. That made all the difference; the room came alive at once. As she was about to throw the last one she surprised herself by suddenly hugging it to her, passionately. But it did not put out the fire in her bosom. Oh, on the contrary! The windows of the drawing-room opened onto a balcony over-looking the garden. At the far end, against the wall, there was a tall, slender pear tree in fullest, richest bloom; it stood perfect, as though becalmed against the jade-green sky. Bertha couldn’t help feeling, even from this distance, that it had not a single bud or a faded petal. Down below, in the garden beds, the red and yellow tulips, heavy with flowers, seemed to lean upon the dusk. A grey cat, dragging its belly, crept across the lawn, and a black one, its shadow, trailed after. The sight of them, so intent and so quick, gave Bertha a curious shiver. Really — really — she had everything. She was young. Harry and she were as much in love as ever, and they got on together splendidly. She had an adorable baby. They didn’t have to worry about money. They had this absolutely satisfactory house and garden.
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