People all over the world eat different food because each country and people in it have their ideas about what is good to eat and what is the best diet for them.
My family isn't large. It consists of four members. But each member of our family has his or her own interests and tastes.
Breakfast in our family is a very big and rich meal. We have not only toasts with butter, jam of honey, but a cheese sandwich, ham or sausage and fried eggs or porridge as well. We prefer tea at breakfast more often than coffee. But my little sister prefers juice. She likes orange or grapefruit juice. My mother has a light breakfast of just yoghurt and an orange. My father likes cornflakes with milk or sandwiches.
As for me, when I get up in the morning the only thing I can take is a glass of some juice or mineral water, I can’t eat anything. Even after the shower I am not ready for breakfast. My stomach wakes up at about 10 o’clock and I become really hungry. I can go to the school canteen and eat there.
On the weekend my usual breakfast at home is a cup of tea with some sandwiches or scrambled eggs with milk, or some serial with milk. I love when my mom cooks pancakes on Saturday mornings.
Lunch is not very popular in our country. But if I stay longer at school I go to the canteen again together with my classmates. We have a bit of choice there. Sometimes I take some snack from home - a ham sandwich or a cheese sandwich.
When I come home after school at about 2 or 3 o’clock I always have some soup. My mom cooks very well and her soups are delicious! My favourite kinds of soup are chicken soup, mushroom soup and red beet soup. I like eating soup with black bread.
The biggest meal of the day is dinner or supper, of course. When we all come home (which does not happen very often) we gather at the kitchen and have supper. Before this I or my sister help our mom to cook. Because my mom is tired after work, too. For the main course we typically have some potatoes or vegetables with meat or fish. The most typical meat is pork, beef or chicken. Mom also serves different kinds of salads as appetizers.
As for my habits, I can say that I don’t have a sweet tooth, so I don’t like chocolate or sweets very much. I also don’t like pastry - rolls, buns, cakes and pies. To be healthy, I also eat lots of fruit.
When we go out somewhere together with my family we prefer Chinese food, sushi or some tasty hot pizza. However, I like trying cuisine of different countries. My parents travel a lot and mom always brings recipes of national cuisine of those countries that they visit. At home she tries to cook it - it’s really good for a change!
I like the saying very much: “We always should remember that we eat to live but not live to eat.
перевод в низу
Когда я прихожу домой после школы, примерно в 2 или 3 часа ночи, у меня всегда есть какой-то суп. Моя мама очень хорошо готовит и ее супы вкусные! Мои любимые виды бульон, куриный суп, грибной суп и красный суп из свеклы. Я как ел суп с черным хлебом.
Основной прием пищи в день-обед или ужин, конечно. Когда мы все придем домой (что происходит не очень часто) мы собираются на кухне и поужинать. До этого я и моя сестра нашей маме готовить. Потому что мама устала после работы, тоже. Для основного курса, мы, как правило, имеют некоторые картофель или овощи с мясом или рыбой. Наиболее типичные мясо-свинина, говядина или курица. Мама также обслуживает различные виды салатов, в качестве закуски.
Что касается моих привычек, я могу сказать, что я не есть сладкого, так что я не люблю шоколад или конфеты очень много. Я тоже не люблю выпечку - булочки, булочки, торты и пироги. Чтобы быть здоровым, я также едят много фруктов.
Когда мы идем куда-то вместе с моей семьей мы предпочитаем китайской еды, суши или некоторые вкусной горячей пиццы. Однако, мне нравится пробовать блюда разных стран. Мои родители много поездок, и мама всегда приносит рецепты национальной кухни этих стран, которые они посещают. Дома она пытается его готовить - это очень хорошо для разнообразия!
Я, как говорится очень много: “Мы всегда должны помнить, что мы едим, чтобы жить, а не живем, чтобы есть.
Britney Spears biography is very interesting and from any point of view even is instructive. Britney Spears in the small city of Kentvud was born. Its family wasn't rich and far from star life so Britney punched the road to the glory world.
It began the career way already in 17 years. The song Baby One More Time it became its first hit there was the first new song. Then there was a release of its album Oops! … I Did It Again, this album took at once leading positions worldwide. Also it would be desirable to remind that all songs can be found in the section of a site of the Song.
Further its popularity started increasing even more. Its most successful years in respect of creativity were from 2001 to 2003. In the same years the famous company PEPSI which has signed with it the contract for the considerable sum became interested in it.
Clips and Britney's songs those years took the first positions in the USA. In 2001 to the public there was the 3rd album - "In The Zone", from it the song "Toxic" became hit. With 2003 on 2007 Britney Spears had a big creative break in work. And in 2007 it let out the next album "Blackout", the new song "Gimme More" became a hit of this album.
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