
Say as quickly as you can using the words "quarter" and "haif".

Английский язык




January (дата)

Dear John,

Thanks a lot for your letter. I was glad to get it. I’m sorry I didn’t answer earlier but I was really busy with my school.

In your letter you asked me some questions. Well, usually when my parents don’t like how I spend my free time I listen carefully to them. And after that I usually make a decision to do what they want me to do. Yes, I meet my friends pretty often. Generally, we go to the nearest cinema together.

By the way, do you play games with your sister? Do you like to talk with her? Does she play some of her music to you ?

I’ve better go now as I have to do my homework. I’m looking forward to your answer. Keep in touch.


(Твоё имя)

Писать надоело
I) My friend Paul is very musical: he can beat out (beat out - бить по барабану, beat up -  избивать) the rhythm of any melody he hears.
2) Nothing gives me greater delight  ( самую большую радость) than spending time with my best friends.
3) After our football team lost the final game, everyone felt disappointed  (почувств. разочарование).
4) The girl has a sharp tongue (острый язык): her words often hurt people. 
5) It's common knowledge that dogs bark and lions roar (собаки лают, львы рычат). 
6) The old key to the door was lost and then found. 
7) The company Is carrying out some important research connected with IT. 
8) The colour of the morning sky was beautiful pale blue. 
9) Sofia always knows what she wants, she is terribly self-confident (уверенна в себе).
10) I'd like to say that I appreciate your kindness. You've helped me a lot. 
11) If you feel blue (обозначает быть грустным, унывать) listen to your favourite music or watch a good comedy.
12) I don't like Jeremy, I think he is too big- headed ( очень самодовольный, заносчивый, easy-going - легкий, приятный в общении)

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Say as quickly as you can using the words "quarter" and "haif".
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