
Перефразируйте следующее как условные предложения. 1. John didn`t leave early so he didn`t get there on time. If John had left earlier he would have got there on time. 2. She uses factor 12 suntan lotion as she gets sunburnt easily. If ... 3. You`ll have trouble selling your house if you`re not prepared to accept a lower offer. Unless ... 4. You need to study to pass his exam. Unless ... 5. More tickets were sold, that is why the concert wasn`t cancelled. If ... 6. When the economy is booming, everyone seems to benefit. Providing ... 7. Penniless students in large cities try to save money by living in squats. But for ... 8. He was selected for a top job, which brought him into the public eye. But for ... 9. You told me about Sue`s hair, I noticed its unusual colour. Unless ... 10. Charlotte hoped for a quiet divorce without dispute. But her husband wanted to battle it out. If ... 11. Since they take part in a dangerous sport, they are assumed to bear all the consequences. Providing ... 12. The Wall street Journal ran the story about the Fedders, John Fedder was forced to resign. 13. The older children all worked and contributed their money to the household. If ... 14. The court accepted John`s plea and warded 25% of the proceeds. If ... 15. In Italy the laws of criminal negligence apply. The cases of riders` death are always investigated. If in England ...

Английский язык



That's good news about this looking guy, but you really want to go? If I were you, I wouldn't accept the invitation.

It’s just too risky. If you go to a disco with strangers, anything can happen.

You simply don’t do things like that.

And what will you do if you want to go back home and he or his friends feel like dancing all right? How are you going to get home on your own?

You will do what you want, of course. But it’s always better to be safe than sorry so just to be on the safe side I will take a mobile phone and some money for a taxi.

Новый год в нашей стране
Новый год - отличный праздник в нашей стране. Всем это очень нравится. Это особенно любят маленькие дети. Люди не ходят на работу в тот день, и дети не ходят в школу. Этот праздник считается семейным праздником. Это обычно отмечается дома среди членов семьи.Люди украшают свои дома и обычно имеют елку, которая стоит в углу комнаты. Эти елки очень красивые. Подарки обычно помещаются под эти деревья. Наши родители хорошо готовятся к этому празднику. Они покупают новогоднюю елку, украшают ее, покупают много вкусной еды и напитков.В двенадцать часов ночи люди могут видеть президента по телевизору, который обращается к ним с традиционными словами поздравления. В это время люди сидят за столами на праздничном ужине и наслаждаются им в хорошей компании. Молодые люди обычно организуют танцевальную вечеринку и имеют массу удовольствия. Некоторые из них выходят на улицы и площади. На следующий день друзья обычно приходят пожелать Счастливого Нового года всем членам семьи.Новый Год нашей жизни начался. Все надеются, что он действительно будет счастлив.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Перефразируйте следующее как условные предложения. 1. John didn`t leave early so he didn`t get there on time. If John had left earlier he would have got there on time. 2. She uses factor 12 suntan lotion as she gets sunburnt easily. If ... 3. You`ll have trouble selling your house if you`re not prepared to accept a lower offer. Unless ... 4. You need to study to pass his exam. Unless ... 5. More tickets were sold, that is why the concert wasn`t cancelled. If ... 6. When the economy is booming, everyone seems to benefit. Providing ... 7. Penniless students in large cities try to save money by living in squats. But for ... 8. He was selected for a top job, which brought him into the public eye. But for ... 9. You told me about Sue`s hair, I noticed its unusual colour. Unless ... 10. Charlotte hoped for a quiet divorce without dispute. But her husband wanted to battle it out. If ... 11. Since they take part in a dangerous sport, they are assumed to bear all the consequences. Providing ... 12. The Wall street Journal ran the story about the Fedders, John Fedder was forced to resign. 13. The older children all worked and contributed their money to the household. If ... 14. The court accepted John`s plea and warded 25% of the proceeds. If ... 15. In Italy the laws of criminal negligence apply. The cases of riders` death are always investigated. If in England ...
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