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Английский язык


Australia is the sixth country in the world by size of territory, and it is the only country occupying a whole continent. The Australian Union includes the Australian mainland and several Islands, the largest of which is Tasmania. On the territory of the continent diverse nature coexists with modern densely populated cities. Although most of the continent is semi-desert and desert, in Australia there are a variety of landscapes, from Alpine meadows up to tropical jungle. Australia has become home to unique species of flora and fauna, some of which do not occur in other parts of the world. Many plants and animals, including the giant marsupials became extinct with the arrival of aborigines; others (for example, Tasmanian tiger) – with the advent of the Europeans.
The Australian continent is located within the three major warm climatic zones of the southern hemisphere: subequatorial (in the North), tropical (Central part) and subtropical (in the South). Only a small portion of the island of Tasmania is located within the temperate zone. In the winter, which occurs in June, July and August, sometimes it snows, but he is not saved.
Австралия – шестая в мире страна по размеру территории, и это единственное государство, занимающее целый континент. Австралийский союз включает в себя Австралийский материк и несколько островов, крупнейшим из которых является Тасмания. На территории материка разнообразная природа соседствует с современными густонаселенными мегаполисами. Хотя большую часть континента занимают полупустыни и пустыни, в Австралии имеются разнообразные ландшафты: – от альпийских лугов до тропических джунглей. Австралия стала домом для уникальных видов флоры и фауны, некоторые из которых не встречаются в других уголках планеты. Многие растения и животные, включая гигантских сумчатых, вымерли с появлением аборигенов; другие (например, тасманский тигр) – с появлением европейцев.
 Австралийский континент расположен в пределах трех основных теплых климатических поясов южного полушария: субэкваториального (на севере), тропического (в центральной части) и субтропического (на юге). Только небольшая часть острова Тасмания находится в пределах умеренного пояса. В зимнее время, которое приходится на июнь, июль и август, иногда выпадает снег, но он долго не сохраняется.
1. The telegram was rceived late at night and, since it was very important, the captain was immediately woken up and the telegram was handed to him.
2. The lawyergot  interested in the facts referred to by the witness.
3. many different routes have been considered, but this one was not even thought of.
4. The project was basically approved, but the architect was told of some shortcomings.
5. I advise you to go to this concert: your favorite works will be performed.
6. We have been explained the new rule, then we were dictated several examples and provided exercises for homework.
7. Do not worry about your luggage, it will be taken care of and delivered to your room.
8. He did not hear what was being said at that time.
9. We shall know if he has been watched for well.
10. He was given a first-class education.

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