
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous. 1. I (to skate) in the afternoon, when I (to break) my leg. 2. They (to come) in when I (to have dinner) with my friend. 3. I (to read) the newspaper when you (to ring) me up.

Английский язык



1. I was skating in the afternoon, when I broke my leg.

2. They came in when I was having dinner with my friend.

3. I was reading the newspaper when you rang me up.


Goths - representatives of the Gothic subculture that originated in the late 70s of the 20th century on a wave of post-punk. A distinctive feature is the special subculture worldview which can be described as "dark" view of the world. Gothic subculture is diverse and heterogeneous, because the cultivated personality, however, stand out for her many common features, such as love of Gothic music (gothic rock, death rock, gothic metal, darkwave, and others of similar style) , gloomy image (dominated by black, Iroquois, leather clothing, paraphernalia, symbols (ankh), canines, lenses unnatural colors, etc.), the interest in mysticism and spirituality, decadence, misanthropy, melancholy, depression, love of horror , literature and films. In our time, the Gothic subculture split into 2 streams: Mopey Goths and Perky Goths, their difference lies in the fact that the former are the true supporters of Dana culture as its visual and 'domestic' and the latter only inherit their style and are not gloomy, depressed fan of "non-standard black romance" and closed. Different from early goths punks only the dominant color black hair and clothing (with accents of white, red, blue or purple) and silver jewelery. They wore ragged clothes and even the Iroquois, though ready mohawk was usually black and is much wider than that of the punks (only shaved on the sides, at the temples). Many were called Dark Punks (Brown Punks) for external similarity and yet dark contrast. Goths also often used in clothing mesh (usually sleeve for men) and had a unique style make-apa: very white face with a lot of black eyeliner (men and women). Hair was usually curled and backcombed. Initially, the men were short and backcombed hair, but towards the end of the 80 long black hair is preferable, and now shaved at the sides and sticking up hair ready to be found much less than the long flowing. Make-up was part of the image, but the clothes diversity: some now wear clothes with the influence of 18th or early 19th century, others are vinyl, leather and mesh. And some are both, though rarely simultaneously. Black and white are the dominant colors, although sometimes there are red, blue, purple or green (more common in cyber-ready). Most materials used are silk, crushed velvet, leather, vinyl and mesh. It is also very popular purple, blue or dark green hair. Goths have an image that has recently undergone significant changes. No matter how developed the Gothic, there are two constant pillars: prevailing black clothes (sometimes with elements of other colors), and the only silver jewelry (as a sign of contempt for gold, the symbol of the ordinary, battered box, color senseless shedding of human blood, as well as the color of the sun, silver - the color of the moon). The girls are bright, expressive style vamp - thick black makeup, eyeliner, lipstick and color range of nails - from bright red (blood) to black. All catchy, sexy and strong. Gotessy (Goth girl) every day looks like a nun or seductive medieval queen or otherwise. We ready, working in an environment where you can not afford an extreme or unique approach to image, developed a style of "corporate goth» (Slave Goth or Corporate Slave Goth): black business clothes, discreet jewelry. Although the gothic clothes and dark colors dominate in its manifestations it is diverse from ordinary leather skirts for girls and ending clownish Harlequin dress for boys. General context combines many styles and cuts of clothing, although the skin is the most common and used material. Both men and women can dress goth almost the same - black coats or jackets with wide turned-up collar, a la Dracula acceptable to those for the other. Girls often wear corsets and long dresses. Romantic elements of past centuries often figure in the Gothic image: lace, frills, velvet, corsets and more.



Когда я была школьницей, я всегда завидовала ученикам, которые ходили в школу пять дней, а не шесть дней в неделю, как мы. Как вы догадываетесь, у меня был единственный выходной - воскресенье. В воскресенье мне было некуда торопиться, поэтому я вставала в девять или в десять часов утра. Я не вставала рано.

Я застелаю постель, умываюсь и иду на кухню. На кухне уже был накрыт стол, и по воскресеньям у меня всегда было что-нибудь вкусненькое: жареный картофель, мясной салат или мои любимые яблочные пироги. После завтрака в солнечную погоду я обычно не оставался дома, а ходил к друзьям.

Мы часто играли во дворе в волейбол или баскетбол, а зимой, если на улице было много снега, катались на коньках и лыжах в лесу. Но иногда день был дождливым и пасмурным.

Я предпочитаю смотреть телевизор, слушать музыку, читать книги, разговаривать по телефону или просто лежать на диване, бездельничая. Некоторые из моих одноклассников могли смотреть все телепрограммы с утра до вечера, но я думаю, что это довольно скучно, и мне всегда было жалко этих телезависимых.

Гораздо интереснее сыграть в шахматы с дедом маме по дому или поспорить с отцом о последних событиях дома и за рубежом. Вечером, когда вся семья была вместе, мы пили чай с пирожным или печеньем, слушали мою младшую сестру, играющую на пианино, иногда пели народные песни.

Каждое воскресенье, ложась спать, я думал, что этот день пролетел, а следующая неделя принесет новые проблемы и их решение.

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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous. 1. I (to skate) in the afternoon, when I (to break) my leg. 2. They (to come) in when I (to have dinner) with my friend. 3. I (to read) the newspaper when you (to ring) me up.
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