
Вставьтеyet, recently, how long, never, since, just, so far, for илиever.1How long... have you been a teacher?2.Kate has cleaned the window.3.Have you been to Egypt?4.Sandra has driven a car before.5.I haven’t invited anyone to the party .6.She has only written one letter .7.You have known them five years .8.He hasn’t phoned Sunday.9.Toby has bought a dog.

Английский язык



1. How long

2. just

3. ever  

4. never  

5. yet  

6. so far  

7. for  

8. since  

9. recently






6so far





My Friend

My best friends name's Misha. We made friends a few years ago. We are of the same age. We live in the same block of flats, so we see each other almost every day.
Misha is a tall slender boy. He has got dark hair, large dark eyes, a straight nose, and thin lips. He wears spectacles. Misha is a nice guy. He is very honest and just, understanding and kind.
I trust him a lot, and I'm sure that I can rely on him in any situation. He never lets people down. Misha is only 16 but he is very responsible — he finishes whatever he starts. He's got only one shortcoming. He is a bit stubborn; nevertheless he is pleasant to deal with.
Misha's an only child and his parents love him very much. His father is a lawyer. He is the most brilliant man I've ever met. He knows everything there is to know about the law. His mother is a music teacher. No wonder Michael is so talented. He's got a very good ear for music. He likes jazz and plays the piano very well.
We spend a lot of time together. We often watch video or listen to music. Sometimes we go to theatre, or walk around the centre of the city, visiting small cafes, museums, art galleries, and shops.
We talk for hours about all sorts of things (politics, love, teachers, and girls). We discuss films, television programmes, books.
I never quarrel with Misha. But if there is some misunderstanding between us we try to make peace as soon as possible. What I like best about him is that he is always willing to help and share his knowledge, thoughts, and feelings. I respect him for his fairness, strong will, intellect, and modesty.
I miss Misha when we don't see each other for a long time. Without him I would feel lonely and uncomfortable. Our friendship helps me feel strong and sure of myself.

Мой друг

Моего лучшего друга зовут Михаил. Мы подружились несколько лет назад. Мы одногодки. Мы живем в одном и том же многоквартирном доме и видим друг друга почти каждый день.
Михаил — высокий стройный мальчик. У него темные волосы, большие темные глаза, прямой нос и тонкие губы. Он носит очки. Миша — хороший парень. Он очень честный и справедливый, понимающий и добрый.
Я очень ему доверяю, и я уверен, что могу положиться на него в любой ситуации. Он никогда не подводит людей. Мише только 16, но он очень ответственный. У него есть только один недостаток. Он немного упрям; однако с ним приятно иметь дело.
Миша — единственный ребенок, и родители очень его любят. Его отец — - адвокат. Он самый великолепный человек, которого я когда-либо встречал. Он знает, все, что надо знать о законе. Его мать — учительница музыки. Неудивительно, что Миша настолько талантлив. У него очень хороший музыкальный слух. Он любит джаз и очень хорошо играет на фортепьяно.
Мы проводим много времени вместе. Мы часто смотрим видеофильмы или слушаем музыку. Иногда мы идем в театр или на прогулку по центру города, посещаем маленькие кафе, музеи, художественные галереи и магазины.
Мы говорим в течение многих часов о разных вещах (политике, любви, учителях и девочках). Мы обсуждаем фильмы, телевизионные программы, книги.
Я никогда не ссорюсь с Мишей. Но если между нами случается небольшое недоразумение, мы пытаемся помириться как можно скорее. Больше всего я люблю в нем то, что он всегда готов и поделиться своими знаниями, мыслями и чувствами. Я уважаю его за его справедливость, сильную волю, интеллект и скромность.
Я скучаю по Мише, когда мы не видимся в течение долгого времени. Без него я чувствовал бы себя одиноко и неуютно. Наша дружба мне чувствовать себя сильным и уверенным в себе.
My Favourite Composer
When I have a free time, I often listen to music of different genres. Classical music is the best when I want to relax. My favourite composer is Antonio Vivaldi. I love his series of violin concerts known as “The Four Seasons”. Vivaldi was born on March 4th 1678, in Venice. His father, Giovanni Battista, taught him to play the violin at the very young age. After Vivaldi learned how to play the violin, they toured Venice together playing music for people. By the age of 24 Antonio had a good music knowledge. He then started teaching it and soon he presented his first performance for the French Embassy. At the same time he started conducting the orchestra and staging concerts. His music then was full of drama. His violin-based works were marked by virtuosity. The complete collection of these works was published only in the 20th century.
Vivaldi is a great composer!

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Вставьтеyet, recently, how long, never, since, just, so far, for илиever.1How long... have you been a teacher?2.Kate has cleaned the window.3.Have you been to Egypt?4.Sandra has driven a car before.5.I haven’t invited anyone to the party .6.She has only written one letter .7.You have known them five years .8.He hasn’t phoned Sunday.9.Toby has bought a dog.
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