
найти 10 ошибок и записать изменённый вариант. 2nd March England, London Dear Berth, thank you for your letter. Sorry I haven’t written for you before, as I’m up to my neck in business. Actually, I’m in need of pocket money like you and like you I’m crazy about computers. So, last month I started repairing my neighbours computers. They told their neighbours about that and so forth. Now I go to different people’s houses on my bike to help them with any problems they have. This week I’ve already fixed 5 computers and the people seem happy to my service. At least I haven’t had any complaints yet. Anyway, enough about me. How you about? Now I have to stop writing, because my mobile is ringing. Maybe, somebody needs my help in the computer! Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Nick Задание: "Найти 10 ошибок в письме (Правописание, грамматика, �труктура во

Английский язык


Теодор Драйзер, великий американський письменник прогресивний, народився в бідній родині в 1871 році. Він почав працювати на його життя, коли йому було шістнадцять років. Він мав ряд робочих місць, і у свій час був газетним репортертером. Як повідомляє він придбав великий досвід життя, який був великою до до нього, коли він узявся писати роман. Літературна кар'єра Драйзера почалася в 1900 році, коли була опублікована "Сестра Керрі". У цьому романі, а також у більш пізніх роботах, письменник викрив справжню природу американської "демократії" Драйзер був глибоко вражений Великою Жовтневою соціалістичною революцією. У 1927-28 він відвідав Радянський Союз, і з цього часу був щирим другом нашої країни. У 1945 році, у віці 74 років, він вступив у Комуністичну партію США. Драйзер помер у 1945 році.
 Уривок нижче походить від "Фінансиста" Френк Каупервуд в тринадцять показав, як хлопчик, який вже повністю обізнаний про силу грошей. Пізніше він стає типовим капіталістом, зупиняється не ставши багатим і могутнім


The problem of friendship has always aroused heated debates. Some people are convinced that having a wide circle of friends is good. However, the others believe that you should have just a few friends.

I suppose that it is better to have a lot of friends. Firstly, you could have a lot of time spending with different people, because every person has his own personality. Secondly, if you have many friends, you will learn a lot from them. Thirdly having a lot of friends could help in your future career, because networking is everything nowadays.

Some opponents might stick to the point that you couldn't be in a good relationships with a wide circle of people. They suggest that it is pointless to spend so many time building relationships. Moreover they say that you could only have few true friends.

Nevertheless I do not support the above mentioned ideas. One should take into account the fact that in a modern world it is so easy to build relationships using phone or Internet. Besides, you could have few close friends and a lot of friends, who are not so close to you.

All in all I think having a wide circle of friends is very beneficial and leads to success. Despite the arguments of various skeptics I will be happy to have as many friends as I can.

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найти 10 ошибок и записать изменённый вариант. 2nd March England, London Dear Berth, thank you for your letter. Sorry I haven’t written for you before, as I’m up to my neck in business. Actually, I’m in need of pocket money like you and like you I’m crazy about computers. So, last month I started repairing my neighbours computers. They told their neighbours about that and so forth. Now I go to different people’s houses on my bike to help them with any problems they have. This week I’ve already fixed 5 computers and the people seem happy to my service. At least I haven’t had any complaints yet. Anyway, enough about me. How you about? Now I have to stop writing, because my mobile is ringing. Maybe, somebody needs my help in the computer! Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Nick Задание: "Найти 10 ошибок в письме (Правописание, грамматика, �труктура во
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