i went to the market to buy bread i spoke with seller , but all bread was sold
He told me that bread will be soon and i sat and wait then stood and wait, and i start thought maybe bread will not be soon I even slept, but i won I buy bread and wrote thanks for seller
я пошёл в магазин что бы купить хлеб , я говорил с продавцом он хлеб был продал он сказал мне что хлеб скоро будет я сидел и ждал потом стоял и ждал и начал думать может хлеб скоро не будет я даже поспал , но я выиграл, Я купил хлеб и написал благодарность продавцу
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СОВЕТОМ. №1 Use the verb take in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences. 1. How long ___ it you to pack your belongings? There is little time left, dear. 2. I don’t know how long it ___ you to get to your summer house tomorrow. Too many cars leave Moscow on Friday. 3. Why ___ it ___ Ann so long to finish the translation last week? 4. Usually it me half an hour to get to the railway station. 5. It ___ Peter a year to learn to dance. Now he is nearly a professional. 6. It the students a week to understand the new material. But now their knowledge of it is good. 7. I’m not sure it ___ me an hour to finish my composition. 8. It ___ me a month to finish the work. But I’ve managed at last. 9. It usually a lot of time to pass a new law. №2 Use between or among to complete the sentences. 1. Molly has a music class at 4 p.m., an English class at 6 p.m. and a short rest in ___ . 2. ___ you and me Mr Wilson is not a responsible person. 3. Dinosaurs are extinct animals. 4. There is a lot in common the father and the son. 5. There is a lot of disagreement ___ the members of the fund. 6. It’s difficult to choose the two blouses, they are both so beautiful. 7. There is a nice cosy cottage ___ the trees. 8. We spent our winter holidays ___ our relatives in Canada. 9. Your choice for breakfast lies ___ cornflakes and fried eggs.
One day my parents and I went on an unforgettable journey. It was a hike in the mountains. I had never been camping before, so my dad said,"It's not going to be easy, but it's worth it." We have collected all the necessary, hoisted on his back huge backpacks. I felt like a real traveler.
Path was complex. When we got there, I didn't have the strength. Mother told me: "Son, look how beautiful!"I looked back - a breathtaking view opened in front of me. I told my mom I was sorry I couldn't draw. If I were an artist, I would definitely reflect on paper this amazing landscape. This day I remember for a lifetime.
Как-то раз мы с родителями отправились в незабываемое путешествие. Это был поход в горы. До этого я никогда ранее не бывал в походах, поэтому папа мне сказал: "Будет нелегко, но это того стоит". Мы собрали все необходимое, водрузили на спину огромные рюкзаки. Я ощутил себя настоящим путешественником.
Путь был сложным. Когда мы добрались, у меня не было сил. Мама сказала мне: "Сынок, посмотри какая красота!" Я оглянулся назад - передо мной открылся восхитительный вид. Я сказал маме, что очень жаль, что я не умею рисовать. Если бы я был художником, я бы обязательно отразил на бумаге этот удивительный пейзаж. Этот день я запомнил на всю жизнь.