A. Every year, we (send) each other cards and (give) each other presents at Christmas Day. B. Today Mr. Smith is (decorating) his house with coloured lights and a Christmas tree. C. On New Year's Eve, people often have a party with their families and friends and they celebrate it with fireworks too. D. At this moment my mother is (sewing) our costumes for Halloween. My sister and I (dress up) as witches. E. At Eid ul-Adha, Muslims (always eat) a special meal. F. My boyfriend is (buying) some yellow flowers and a card right now. Todays is Valentine's Day! G. My cousin is Hindu and now she is (celebrating) the Diwali, which is a traditional festival for them. My cousin and her family (usually set off) fireworks and (share out) some sweets.
My favorite place isn't town. It is a small island on the Volga river. I go there with my family in summer. There are many Islands on the Volga river. Why is this Island my favorite place? Well, I like it because there are no people. It is very quiet and green. There are some sea-gulls there. What do we do there? We have picnics, play badminton, swim a lot. We go by boat early in the morning, and come late in the evening. We enjoy our picnic very much.
Мое любимое место это не город. Это небольшой остров на реке Волга. Я езжу туда с моей семьей летом.
На реке Волга есть много островов. Почему этот остров мое любимое место? Ну, мне нравится потому что здесь нет людей. Тут очень тихо и зелено. Здесь есть несколько чаек. Что мы делаем там? Мы устраиваем пикники, игрем в бадминтон, много плаваем. Мы едем на лодке рано утром и приезжаем поздно вечером. Мы очень наслаждаемся нашим пикником.
B. Today Mr. Smith is (decorating) his house with coloured lights and a Christmas tree.
C. On New Year's Eve, people often have a party with their families and friends and they celebrate it with fireworks too.
D. At this moment my mother is (sewing) our costumes for Halloween. My sister and I (dress up) as witches.
E. At Eid ul-Adha, Muslims (always eat) a special meal.
F. My boyfriend is (buying) some yellow flowers and a card right now. Todays is Valentine's Day!
G. My cousin is Hindu and now she is (celebrating) the Diwali, which is a traditional festival for them. My cousin and her family (usually set off) fireworks and (share out) some sweets.