The analyst г)uses a computer for solving problems, while the computer system architect б)designs computers.
а)controls б)designs в)requires г)uses
Programs and data to be processed must be in the a) internal memory.
a) internal; б) external; в) secondary
The read out command is passed from the в) storage register to the a) instruction register.
a) instruction; б) address; в) storage
The four б) circuits are used to perform basic operations in a computer.
a) basics; б) circuits; в) equipment
The function of memory is to store a) not only the original data but also the partial results.
a) not only…. but also; б) either…or; в) no sooner … than
The в) central processor includes the control and arithmetic-logical units.
a) flip-flop; б) digital computer; в) central processor
Input-output devices allow the computer to в) communicate with its external environment.
a) compute; б) command; в) communicate
An I/O interface is a special б) processor that converts input data to the internal codes.
a) register; б) processor; в) plotter
Мне кажется что все три варианта правильные a) high-speed; б) medium-speed; в) low-speed devices allow the computer to communicate with its external environment.
a) high-speed; б) medium-speed; в) low-speed
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
What is the weather like ln different seasons in your city
In spring and summer, the weather in our city is always very warm and sunny. Rains are rare and most often they are warm.
In autumn, the weather becomes wet and clouds cloud the sky, it often rains. In winter, the weather is very cold and snowy, often winds blow.
В первом пункте я сразу говорила за лето и весну, обратите на это внимание.