
с английским Текст Text 1. COMPUTER PROGRAMMINGProgramming is the process of preparing a set of coded instructions which enables the computer to solve specific problems or to perform specific functions. Theiessence of computerprogrammingjis the encoding of the program for the computerby means of algorythms. The thing is that any problem is expressed in mathematical terms, it contains formulae, equationsand calculations^ But the computer cannot manipulate formulae, equations and calculations. Any problem must be speciallyprocessed for the computer to understand it, that is — coded orprogrammed.The phase in which the system's computer programs arewritten is called the development phase. The programs are listsof instructions that will be followed by the control unit of thecentral processing unit (CPU The instructions of the programmust be complete and in the appropriate sequence, or else thewrong answers will result. To guard against these errors in logicand to document the program's logical approach, logic plansshould be developed.There are two common techniques for planning the logic ofa program. The first technique is flowcharting. A flowchart is aplan in the form of a graphic or pictorial representation that usespredefined symbols to illustrate the program logic. It is, therefore, a "picture" of the logical steps to be performed by thecomputer. Each of the predefined symbol shapes stands for ageneral operation. The symbol shape communicates the natureof the general operation, and the specifics are written within thesymbol. A plastic or metal guide called a template is used tomake drawing the symbols easier.The second technique for planning program logic is calledpseudocode. Pseudocode is an imitation of actual program instructions. It allows a program-like structure without the burden of programming rules to follow. Pseudocode is less timeconsuming for the professional programmer than is flowcharting.It also emphasizes a top-down approach to program structure.Pseudocode has three basic structures: sequence, decision, and looping logic. With these three structures, any required logiccan be expressed.

Английский язык


Why September 1 the best day in your life? Because in this wonderful day of celebration small doshkolyata came for the first time in first class will rise one step higher forward to knowledge and start your way to the more unfamiliar letters and colorful little figures, red, blue, and green balls rolls to thin a string with knots on the ends. From the first notebooks with beautiful and funny drawings and blank lines may not filling them. With acute newly sharpened pencils and colored pens. And already more grown-up boys continue their path to success and new knowledge, and what a child does not love this wonderful day to shine by day knowledge?
1.I get up early in the morning every day .Я встаю рано утром каждый день . 2.I often visit my grandparents in the village. Я часто посещаю моих бабушку и дедушку в деревне. 3.I usually go to school on foot. Я обычно хожу в школу пешком. 4.She reads a lot of books. Она читает много книг. 5.My mother cooks meals every day . Моя мама готовит еду каждый день . 6.They often go to the cinema. Они часто ходят в кино. 7.My cousin often goes for a walk in the evening. Моя кузина часто прогуливается по вечерам.

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с английским Текст Text 1. COMPUTER PROGRAMMINGProgramming is the process of preparing a set of coded instructions which enables the computer to solve specific problems or to perform specific functions. Theiessence of computerprogrammingjis the encoding of the program for the computerby means of algorythms. The thing is that any problem is expressed in mathematical terms, it contains formulae, equationsand calculations^ But the computer cannot manipulate formulae, equations and calculations. Any problem must be speciallyprocessed for the computer to understand it, that is — coded orprogrammed.The phase in which the system's computer programs arewritten is called the development phase. The programs are listsof instructions that will be followed by the control unit of thecentral processing unit (CPU The instructions of the programmust be complete and in the appropriate sequence, or else thewrong answers will result. To guard against these errors in logicand to document the program's logical approach, logic plansshould be developed.There are two common techniques for planning the logic ofa program. The first technique is flowcharting. A flowchart is aplan in the form of a graphic or pictorial representation that usespredefined symbols to illustrate the program logic. It is, therefore, a "picture" of the logical steps to be performed by thecomputer. Each of the predefined symbol shapes stands for ageneral operation. The symbol shape communicates the natureof the general operation, and the specifics are written within thesymbol. A plastic or metal guide called a template is used tomake drawing the symbols easier.The second technique for planning program logic is calledpseudocode. Pseudocode is an imitation of actual program instructions. It allows a program-like structure without the burden of programming rules to follow. Pseudocode is less timeconsuming for the professional programmer than is flowcharting.It also emphasizes a top-down approach to program structure.Pseudocode has three basic structures: sequence, decision, and looping logic. With these three structures, any required logiccan be expressed.
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