
You have received a letter from Jane. , …My parents work long hours and don’t have enough time for the household chores. My sister and I try to help them as much as we can, and our parents have more time to spend it with us… , …What do you do to help your parents about the house? Who usually does the shopping in your family? What do you enjoy doing all together, as a family, when you all have free time?… , Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions

Английский язык


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum imperdiet condimentum euismod. Etiam vitae ornare mauris. Fusce at venenatis eros. Maecenas eget ullamcorper nisi, vitae scelerisque mauris. Duis varius, eros ut faucibus feugiat, nisl magna feugiat tellus, et bibendum nisl arcu vitae dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed in molestie lorem, eget tincidunt mauris. Ut consectetur ante in sagittis semper. Nunc congue rhoncus facilisis.

Fusce pretium, massa ut ultrices mollis, leo quam sollicitudin arcu, et porttitor nibh libero quis eros. Vivamus aliquet in lacus placerat mollis. Aenean vel scelerisque nulla, quis accumsan nunc. Proin aliquet neque id magna tempor fringilla. Proin ipsum nisl, tempor eget est vel, lobortis tempus justo. Aenean erat diam, euismod at varius non, consectetur quis lorem. Sed aliquet sem eu diam efficitur posuere.
1. Вы должны следить за всеми новыми важными медицинскими исследованиями в своей области.
2. С спирометрии динамический объем легких можно определить без труда.
3. До лекции он должен исследовать несколько докладов на тему тематических.
4. Вы можете отнести свои анализы в лабораторию.
5. Постоянное вдыхание паров кадмия может вызвать хроническую прогрессирующую эмфизему.
1. You had to follow all the new important medical researches in your field.
2. It was possible to assess the dynamic lung volumes without difficulty by means of spirometry.
3. He had to investigate a series of case reports before the lecture.
4. You could take your analyses in the laboratory.
5. Chronic inhalation of cadmium fumes could cause chronic progressive emphysema.
1. You will have to follow all the new important medical researches in your field.
2. It will be possible to assess the dynamic lung volumes without difficulty by means of spirometry.
3. He will have to investigate a series of case reports before the lecture.
4. You will be able to take your analyses in the laboratory.
5. Chronic inhalation of cadmium fumes will probably cause chronic progressive emphysema.

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You have received a letter from Jane. , …My parents work long hours and don’t have enough time for the household chores. My sister and I try to help them as much as we can, and our parents have more time to spend it with us… , …What do you do to help your parents about the house? Who usually does the shopping in your family? What do you enjoy doing all together, as a family, when you all have free time?… , Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions
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