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с заданием по английскому языку! Read the following questions, define the tenses, make more questions using the Past Simple Tense. Medical history questions documenting memory loss in detail may include the following: Туре • Can the person remember recent events (is there impaired short-term memory)? • Can the person remember events from further in the past (is there impaired long-term memory)? • Is there a loss of memory about events that occurred prior to a specific experience (anterograde amnesia)? Is there a loss of memory about events that occurred soon after a specific experience (retrograde amnesia)? Is there only a minimal loss of memory? • Does the person make up stories to cover gaps in memory (confabulation)? Is the person suffering from low moods that impair con- centration? Time pattern - I was the memory loss been worse over years? * I las the memory loss been developing ower weeks or months? - Is the memory loss present all the time or are there dis- tinct episodes of amnesia? • If there are amnesia episodes, how long do they last? Aggravating or triggering factors • las there been a head injury in the recent past? * I las the person experienced an event that was emotionally traumatic? • I has there been a surgery or procedure requiring a general anesthetic? • Does the person use alcohol? How much? • Does the person use illegal illicit drugs? How much? What type? Other symptoms What other symptoms are present? Is Is the person confused or disoriented? • Can they independently cal, dress, and perform similar self-care activities? - Have they had seizures?
1. In sports, it’s a great achievement to attend/break a world record.
2. Vera was very exciting/excited
when she won the writing award.
3. Glossy magazines are
attractive /popular to teenagers.
4. The deer ran off /went off before
Nick could take a photograph.
5. This hat really goes with/on her shoes.
6. Pam was surprised / surprising
to hear she won the competition.
7. What does the weather article/report say?
8. Mike brave/bravely fought the fire.
9. Sarah likes the fashion and beauty advice/strips in this magazine.
10. It can be difficult to come on/up
with new ideas.
11. The cheese smells horrible.
It has gone off/on.
12. The fireman pulled the baby to safe/safety.