A person will never find an absolutely disinterested friend in this selfish world, a friend who will never leave you in trouble, which will never prove ungrateful and treacherous. A dog belonging to a person will always remain with a man, whether he is prosperous or poor, healthy or sick. The dog will always be next to the owner, whether it's terrible cold, piercing wind and heavy snowfall. A dog licks your hands, although you can not repay it; she licked wounds and sores, facing the brutality of this world. The dog guards the poor man's sleep as if he were a prince. All friends leave it, but the dog remains. When the wealth disappears and the reputation is shattered, the dog continues to love the owner passionately - this love is like the sun floating in the sky. You can tell a dog anything you like to a dog, she will not tell anyone, she will understand, this is the only animal that loves you more than yourself. So definitely a dog is a friend of a person. But I'm not sure whether a person can be considered a friend of a dog, people in our time are too cruel.
Местоимение many употребляется в тех случаях, когда оно относится к предметам (одушевленным или неодушевленным), которые можно посчитать. Слова, обозначающие такие предметы, называются исчисляемыми существительными. Все слова, которые стоят после местоимения much, употребляются в единственном числе. В тех речевых ситуациях, когда вы затрудняетесь с выбором между many и much, используйте a lot of – не ошибетесь. Many употребляется там, где предметы можно посчитать поштучно. Если же они счету не поддаются, смело вставляйте в предложение слово much.